GENERAL INFORMATION Title of Dataset: The Verbal Behavior Milestones Assessment and Placement Program (VB-MAPP) Level 1 Scores for 121 Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder Author/Principal Investigator Information Name: Lee Mason, PhD, BCBA-D ORCID:0000-0001-9431-9132 Institution: Texas Christian University Email: Author/Associate or Co-investigator Information Name: Chris Ninness, PhD ORCID:0000-0003-3884-5327 Institution: Behavior Software Systems Email: Date of data collection: 2022-01-18 to 2022-05-02 Geographic location of data collection: Fort Worth, TX, USA DATA & FILE OVERVIEW File List: 1. VBMAPPtrain.ods - The VB-MAPP Milestones Assessment Level 1 data for 100 individuals with autism spectrum disorder, from which the model was built. 2. VBMAPPtest.ods - The VB-MAPP Milestones Assessment Level 1 data for 21 individuals with autism spectrum disorder, from which the model was tested. METHODOLOGICAL INFORMATION Description of methods used for collection/generation of data: A chart review of patients who received early intensive behavioral intervention from 2015 to 2022. Instrument: Sundberg, M. L. (2014). The verbal behavior milestones assessment and placement program: The VB-MAPP (2nd ed.). Concord, CA: AVB Press. Reliability: Interobserver agreement (IOA) was assessed by having a second rater independently code the data for 49% (n = 59) of cases within this data set. Of the 59 records that were re-coded, 55 (93%) were an exact match. For the remaining four records, point-by-point agreement on the nine VB-MAPP domains averaged 86% (range, 78% to 89%). DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR: VBMAPPtrain.ods Number of cases/rows: 100 DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR: VBMAPPtest.ods Number of cases/rows: 21 Number of variables: 11 Variable List: * Age - the age of each individual at the time of assessment * Sex - 0 = female, 1 = male * Mand - A person’s ability to request access to preferred items and activities. E.g., Child says “cookie” when they want a cookie. * Tact - A person’s ability to label their surroundings. E.g., Child points to a car and says “car”. * Listener - A person’s ability to follow instructions. E.g., Child hears “Clap your hands” and then claps their hands. * VP_MTS - A person’s ability to visually discriminate between similar features of the environment. E.g., Child is given a picture and asked to find its match. * Play - A person’s ability to independently manipulate their environment. E.g., Child is given the opportunity to play independent of others. * Social - A person’s ability to engage with other people. E.g., Child is given the opportunity for interactions with others. * Imitation - A person’s ability to imitate the actions of others. E.g., Child sees someone clap their hands and then claps their own hands. * Vocal - A person’s physical ability to produce speech sounds. E.g., Child makes vocal noises without any prompting. * Echoic - A person’s ability to repeat what they hear. E.g., Child hears “mama” and repeats “mama”.