These are data files for the article "Identification of individual Texas Horned Lizards (Phrynosoma cornutum) using genotypes and ventral spot patterns", Daniella Biffi 2, Mary R. Tucker 1, Alexis Ackel 1, and Dean A. Williams 1* 1 Department of Biology, Texas Christian University, Fort Worth, Texas, 76129, USA 2 Andrews Institute of Mathematics & Science Education, Texas Christian University, Fort Worth, Texas, 76129, USA * corresponding author 1. Karnes City 177 genotypes.cvs - this file contains the microsatellite genotypes (for 10 microsatellite loci, Columns C-V - two alleles each for locus: Pc41,PcD01,PcD09,Pc70,PcD14,PcD20,PcD52,Pc83,PcD26,PcD53) and Latitude/Longitude (Columns W,X) for individual lizards in the town of Karnes City. The subpopulation in Karnes City (east, west, south) are given in column B. These data were used to calculate the genetic diversity indices in Table 2 and the probability of identity in Tables 2 and 3 (these data were originally published in Wall AE, D Biffi, A Ackel, RW Moody, TK Stevens, and DA Williams. 2024. Small towns limit dispersal and reduce genetic diversity in populations of Texas horned lizards. Ecology and Evolution 14:e70112). 2. Kenedy 41 genotypes.cvs - this file contains the microsatellite genotypes (for 10 microsatellite loci, Columns C-V - two alleles each for locus: Pc41,PcD01,PcD09,Pc70,PcD14,PcD20,PcD52,Pc83,PcD26,PcD53), and Latitude/Longitude (Columns W,X) for individual lizards in the town of Kenedy. These data were used to calculate the genetic diversity indices in Table 2 and the probability of identity in Tables 2 and 3. 3. 467 genotypes with PIT tags.csv - this file contains the microsatellite genotypes (for 10 microsatellite loci, Columns D-W - two alleles each for locus: Pc41,PcD01,PcD09,Pc70,PcD14,PcD20,PcD52,Pc83,PcD26,PcD53), Sampling date (Column X) and Latitude/Longitude (Columns Y,Z) for individual lizards in the towns of Karnes City and Kenedy (Column C) that were marked with PIT tags. The subpopulation in Karnes City (east, west, south) or Kenedy are given in column B. These data were used for genotype matching and the Observed probability of identity in Table 3. 4. Recaptures with PIT tags.cvs - this file contains the microsatellite genotypes (for 10 microsatellite loci, Columns D-W - two alleles each for locus: Pc41,PcD01,PcD09,Pc70,PcD14,PcD20,PcD52,Pc83,PcD26,PcD53), Sampling date (Column X) and Latitude/Longitude (Columns Y,Z) for 76 individual lizards and 93 recaptures in the towns of Karnes City and Kenedy (Column C) that were marked with PIT tags. The subpopulation in Karnes City (east, west, south) or Kenedy are given in column B. These data were used to calculate the mean error rate per allele and mean error rate per multilocus genotype. 5. HotSpotter Chip ID and Corresponding Image ID.csv - this file contains the chip ID number (column A) assigned by HotSpotter after selecting the Region of Interest (ROI) of the corresponding original image (Column B). The pictures for the chips are in the THL images - Chips folder and the original images taken in the field are in the THL images - Original folder. 6. Output from HotSpotter.csv - this file contains the output from HotSpotter. Column A: Chip ID. Column B: Type of image (test, reference, unique). Column C: Query result (positive match, false match, non-match, not applicable). Columns D-M: The top 10 chips from the query. Columns N-W: The top 10 confidence scores from the query. 7. THL images - Original - this folder contains the original pictures taken in the field of Texas horned lizard ventral spots. 8. THL images - Chips - this folder contains the "ROI" or region of interest for each of the original pictures that are in the THL images - Original folder. This is the region the software HotSpotter uses to match individuals based on their spot patterns. The images in each folder are cross tabulated in the "5. HotSpotter Chip ID and Corresponding Image ID.csv" file.