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Item Data set for Identification of individual Texas Horned Lizards (Phrynosoma cornutum) using genotypes and ventral spot patterns(2025-02-11) Biffi, Daniella; Tucker, Mary R.; Ackel, Alexis; Williams, Dean A.Publication Dataset: The Role of Gestures in Teaching and Learning Anatomy and Physiology(2022-10-24) Wallace, Stephanie; Hokayem, HayatThe journal article which refers to this data set is a study on the use of gestures in teaching and learning in an undergraduate anatomy and physiology course. Two sections of the same class were used in the study during one semester. One section (labeled the gesturing section in the dataset) was taught with specific gestures intentionally incorporated in the teaching and learning of the material The other section (labeled the non-gesturing section in the dataset), was taught as normal without the incorporation of additional gestures. A survey was given to all students to find their beliefs when studying and learning this material, and exam scores were collected. Individual semi-structured interviews were conducted with student volunteers.Publication Dataset: Diet and Methyl Mercury Contamination of Nestling Red-winged Blackbirds(2024) Thalhuber, Thomas. J.; Chumchal, Matthew M.; Drenner, Ray W.; Nowlin, Weston H.; Williams, Dean A.; Barst, Benjamin D.; Kennedy, James H.; Mitchell, William A.; Self, Misty; Willoughby, Manton; Zudock, WillPublication Dataset: Small Towns Limit Dispersal and Reduce Genetic Diversity in Populations of Texas Horned Lizards(2024-07-19) Williams, Dean A.; Wall, Ashley E.; Biffi, Daniella; Ackel, Alexis; Moody, Raymond W.; Stevens, Tom K.These are data files for the article "Small Towns Limit Dispersal and Reduce Genetic Diversity in Populations of Texas Horned Lizards", Ashley E. Wall 1, Daniella Biffi 1,2, Alexis Ackel 1, Raymond W. Moody 3, Tom K. Stevens 1, and Dean A. Williams 1* 1 Department of Biology, Texas Christian University, Fort Worth, Texas, 76129, USA 2 Andrews Institute of Mathematics & Science Education, Texas Christian University, Fort Worth, Texas, 76129, USA 3 USAF 72nd ABW/CE, Environmental Compliance Natural Resources, Tinker AFB, OK 73145, USA * corresponding author dean.williams@tcu.eduPublication Dataset: Prevalence and associated factors of food insecurity among college students(2023-07-23) Jacobs, MaddieObjective of research - To identify the rate and distribution of food insecurity at a private university in Texas and to analyze the factors associated with food insecurity among college students.Publication Dataset: Health Risks of Methylmercury Contamination to Largemouth Bass in the Southeastern United States(2022) Chumchal, MatthewDatabase associated with "Health Risks of Methylmercury Contamination to Largemouth Bass in the Southeastern United States"Publication Dataset: VB-MAPP Level 1(10/20/2022) Mason, LeeThe Verbal Behavior Milestones Assessment and Placement Program (VB-MAPP), Level 1 scores for 121 children with autism spectrum disorder.Publication Dataset: Patent productivity: Strategic human resources and the attention-based view(2022) Greer, Charles R.An analysis of patent productivity that uses panel data (cross-sectional and time series) to estimate the effects of innovation rhetoric, the HR executive effect, and HR slack.Publication Dataset: Nanoporous silicon as a green, high-tech educational tool(2/22/2021) Coffer, Jeffery L.; Canham, Leigh T.This file contains a representative data set of 'nanoquizzes' and presentations.Publication Dataset: Stimulus control ratio equation(2020) Mason, LeeSix years of data from an exploratory language assessment of children with autism. The goal is to assess validity and reliability of this assessment instrument.Publication Dataset: Motivation factors in cSNC(2019) Papini, MauricioEffects of deprivation state and presession feeding experience on reward downshift in rats.Publication Dataset: Chemogenetic inhibition of the CeA(2019) Papini, MauricioChemogenetic inhibition of the central amygdala (CeA) eliminated the effects of reward downshift, but did not interfere with alcohol intake.Publication Dataset: Alcohol as reward(2019) Papini, MauricioA series of six experiments in Wistar and Long-Evans rats exploring free-choice and operant tasks involving alcohol consumption as the reward.Publication Dataset: Relationship between methyl mercury contamination and proportion of aquatic and terrestrial prey in diets of shoreline spiders(2019) Ortega-Rodriguez, Celeste L.; Chumchal, Matthew M.; Drenner, Ray W.; Kennedy, James H.; Nowlin, Weston H.; Barst, Benjamin D.; Polk, D. Kirkland; Hall, MacGregor N.; Williams, Edward B.; Lauck, Kyle C.; Santa-Rios, Andrea; Basu, NiladriWe collected shoreline spiders, emergent aquatic insects and terrestrial insects from in and around the 10 experimental ponds near Fort Worth, Texas. For each spider and insect taxon, we attempted to collect one composite sample from each experimental pond but not all taxa were present at all ponds. This dataset contains the number of individuals collected, total mercury concentration, estimated methylmercury concentration, d15N values and d13C values from each composite sample.Publication Dataset: The existential quest: Doubt, openness, and the exploration of religious uncertainty(12/23/2018) Arrowood, RobertTerror management theory suggests that people are able to manage their existential concerns by maintaining faith in their various cultural systems, including religious beliefs. But religious “quest” orientation is characterized by 1) religious doubts and uncertainties, 2) recognizing the tentativeness of religious ideas and remaining open to other cultural and spiritual ways of life, and 3) being willing to explore one’s religious uncertainties in all their complexity. The present seven studies (N = 1,906) used both correlational and experimental methods to explore the intersection between existential concern and religious quest. First, although believers high in quest orientation may value doubt, it comes at the cost of greater death-related anxieties (Study 1, n = 654), cognitions (Study 2, n = 167), and not being buffered against reminders of mortality (Study 3, n = 226). Second, among high quest, MS increased open-mindedness and tolerance of new ways of life (Study 4, n = 100). In Study 5 (n = 177), quest predicted rejection of culturally-familiar but faith in culturally-unfamiliar supernatural agents, and uncertainty about each. Study 6 (n = 120) found that MS led believers high in quest-orientation to more strongly reject god as supernatural agent and increase avoidant (but not anxious) attachment to god. Third, Study 7 (n = 462) replicated Study 6 and further found the effect was eliminated when participants were first prompted to explore their religious doubts and uncertainties. Discussion considers implications for quest orientation and existential defense- vs. growth-motivation, as well as limitations and future directions.Publication Dataset: In vitro dissolution behavior of hydrogenated amorphous silicon thin-film transistors(2018) Tian, Yuan; Flewitt, Andrew J.; Canham, Leigh T.; Coffer, Jeffery L.Recent developments in biodegradable nanostructured crystalline silicon and flexible silicon-based electronic devices raise the significant question of the stability of standard amorphous silicon transistor platforms in biologically relevant environments. In this work, we evaluate the biodegradation of hydrogenated amorphous silicon thin film transistors. Specifically, using a combination of gravimetric analysis, optical imaging, and X-ray fluorescence, we investigate the fundamental stability of a simple hydrogenated amorphous silicon thin film transistor structure immersed in phosphate-buffered saline at physiological temperature (37 degrees C). In addition to the possible galvanic influence of associated metal electrodes in the degradation of such devices, implications for future device platforms are also discussed.