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dc.contributor.advisorMoncrief, William C.
dc.contributor.authorLaroche, Shelly
dc.description.abstractSocially responsible business activities have been increasing greatly over the last few decades. While these practices historically existed only amongst nonprofit organizations or businesses founded specifically on ethical standards, there are now new expectations for organizations imposed by society. Individuals, and especially those within the millennial generation, are more socially aware than ever, and thus, the "ethical consumer" has come about. This has led to a renewed push for Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), an idea that has now spread across the globe, which makes international marketing an even more important component with cause-related campaigns. Thus, when considering the future of business and marketing tactics with a socially responsible perspective, it is imperative to take into account how these ethical messages differ across cultures. Through a review of secondary data and a content analysis on cause-related print advertisements run in the United States, China, Germany, India, and Brazil, the similarities and differences between CSR ads in a variety of cultures will be uncovered. Similarities to be discussed deal with the setup of the advertisements pertaining to the target markets, layouts and designs, the appeals, and the issues emphasized. Differences stem directly from the level of industrialization present in each country and the social causes needing to be advocated for.
dc.subjectethical consumers
dc.subjectcorporate social responsibility
dc.subjectinternational marketing
dc.subjectunique cultures
dc.subjectnonprofit organizations
dc.subjectcause-related campaigns
dc.titleCause-Related Marketing in Five Unique Cultures
local.collegeNeeley School of Business
local.collegeJohn V. Roach Honors College

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