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dc.creatorHays, Joseph Warren
dc.descriptionEnjoyed Jan Garber concert; met a navigator from Texas.
dc.relationJoseph Warren Hays Papers (MS 159)
dc.rightsPrior written permission from TCU Special Collections required to use any file.
dc.sourceSeries I, Box 1, Folder 3
dc.subjectWorld War II
dc.subjectUnited States Army
dc.subjectUnited States Army Air Corps
dc.subjectSheppard Field
dc.titleHays letter to family
dc.description.transcription9-26-44Dear Folks,If I don’t hurry up and write I’ll be having to call home again to let you know that I am still alive.This is really the only reason that I have for writing for there is no news of importance. There may be some shortly because the newsection came in Saturday and I may be assigned to it.Like I told Ruth on the phone, Jan Garber and his orchestra were here last night. They played a concert for everyone and then a dance at the officer’s club. I got a big bang out of just listening to them. I didn’t dance because I didn’t have a date. The girl that I have met here lives in the dormitory at the college and can’t get out on week nights. Guess that I had better hunt me up another girl friend.I went out to see Cecil & Don for a few minutes Sunday afternoon. I had a friend with me so we didn’t stay long. She emphasized that before I left she expected some one of the Hays family to come out and visit me. She also told me to tell Papa to not tell any more stories on her because he wouldn’t remember any except the bad ones.A flock of navigators came in the other day and I found out that one that lives down the hall from me was from Texas. I asked him what town and he said, you’ve probably never heard of it, it’s a little town in East Texas calledWinsboro. “Excuse me Gertie if that is spelled wrong.” His name is Dan Sutherland and he knows all of the Nichols. He ran around with Boyd some and went to school to Gertrude. That is about all for this time so I’ll quit for now. I’ll write when I have some news,Love, Joe

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This item appears in the following Collection(s)
  • Joseph Warren Hays Papers [162]
    The collection includes a complete set of letters written by Joseph Warren Hays to his family while serving in the Army Air Corps during World War II. The letters detail his aviation training across the United States and his service in Europe toward the end of the war. In his later years, Mr. Hays wrote recollections of his missions over Europe. The collection also includes printed publications, newspaper clippings, a scrapbook, a photograph of Hays, and ephemera.

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