dc.description.transcription | Friday MorningBefore breakfast.Dear Brother:Have just returned from our five oclock prayer meeting. During the preaching we have been having these prayer-meetings. I have not felt like attending all the time but have gone when Icould.Bro. Saunders leave us to day –papa will preach tonight and Sunday. We have had an interesting meeting and a successful one –twenty additions. Every girl at the boarding house is a member of some church, and nearly every girl in school. I have been greatly benefited by the meeting, my enthusiasm and zeal have been awakened –I fear it will sleep again when the meeting closes. I’ve been thinking of you more this week than usual, some how, every day I’ve been so anxious to hear from you and when no letter came yesterday I was very disappointed. One will surely come this evening.
As I’ve so often told you, no one can fill your place in my heart, and sometimes there is such a longing to see you, to be with you, and talk to you that I can hardly endure the denial. How I wish you could be with us this summer, it seems so long to wait another session to see you.But I must be patient. I’ve been with Blanche more this week, perhaps that has increased my desire to see you. Of course every time I see her I’m reminded of you, and in my minds eye I see you so plainly it seems hard it can’t be real. I asked B–about her self –what was the matter, and what I thought of the change in her&c. Ifeared some one had told her something and that she wasfelt hurt of offended towards me. She thanked me for speaking of it to her, yet assures me there is nothing the matter with her, says she can’t account for persons thinking she has changed. I’m sure now she feels as usual towards me and I think we will become nearer friends than ever since our little talk. But she haschanged –in some way. She is as sweet and good as ever but something is different. I’m anxious to hear from you. I can’t account for her not speaking as freely of you as she used to –unless you have not been as considerate as usual. Don’t let anything cause you to become indifferent to each other. It is so easy to drift apart when so far away and the only means of communication is writing, and each one so busy with other duties. But please don’t let the “freezing process” begin on either side. All my fears may be just the result of imagination. But, Brother dear, you will be separated a long time, let it test your affections, be trueto yourself. Excuse this my dear brother. Much love,Yours,Sister. | |