dc.description.transcription | National Research Council National Aeronautics and Space Administration Johnson Space Center Houston, TX 77058 Dr. Chris Durden Texas Memorial Museum 2400 Trinity Austin, TX 78705 Dear Dr. Durden, Oct. 16, 1994 I wanted to write and let you know about the progress of our work on the Bluff/Cedar project. At this point, we have had the polished thin sections of the Bluff and Cedar pieces from the Texas Memorial Musem [Museum] and have completed our microscopy and electron microprobe analyses. In addition to our analytical work, we have been continuing our efforts to trace the histories of the individual pieces of these meteorites. Unfortunately, our work has hit a bit of a As you may recall, a total of 4 Cedar stones were recovered. Of these, we now have samples of #3 and #4. Stone #1 is at the Field Museum of Natural History in Chicago. They are currently between meteorite curators and are not filling requests. They have, however, advertised this position and hope to fill it by the end of the year. We feel it is important to examine this stone and will delay completion of the project until we can get material. Another complication is that Cedar #2 appears to be lost and we are continuing our efforts to determine its location. We hope that completion of this project will occur around the first of the year and polished thin sections from the Texas Memorial Museum will be returned at that time. We have finished with the pieces from which the thin sections were prepared and will return those in the next week or so. I also have several requests for you. 1. Have you managed to locate the main mass of Cedar #4? As you recall, I intend to return to Austin to examine this stone. If you have found it, let me know and I may plan a day trip to Austin. 2. As you recall, the tray of pieces of Cedar which I examined contained pieces of both Cedar #4, for which you have the main mass, and an unidentified Cedar stone. We now know that these pieces come from the 12 lb. 3.5 oz. Cedar #3 stone, which was divided in 1900 between Baylor Univ. in Waco and the Smithsonian. The current designation I am using for these pieces if "TMM USNM". However, it would be ideal if a distinct Texas Memorial Museum catalog number could be assigned to these pieces from the USNM. If this is possible, please advise me of this new number. 1. Is it possible to obtain a xerox copy of the list of all of the meteorite samples currently held by the Texas Memorial Museum? 2. I looked up the Concho meteorite in the Catalogue of Meteorites and enclose a copy of the Catalogue entry. As you stated, little is known about this rather large meteorite, although a few samples have been distributed and briefly studied. Do any records of the find or acquisition of this meteorite exist in the files of the Texas Memorial Museum? If so, I would be very interested in seeing copies. 5) I also wanted to let you know that we have had no success in determining what happened to the pieces of Bluff which were removed from the main mass. None of the pieces of Bluff or Cedar currently held by the Smithsonian appear to have come from the Bureau of Economic Geology or the Texas Memorial Museum. It appears that the exchange which brought the piece of Cedar #3 to Texas did not take pieces of Bluff #2 or Cedar #4 to Washington. I will let you know if we can determine the destination of those pieces. Thank you again for all of your help and I look forward to hearing from you with any information you might be able to provide on these questions. Sincerely, Tim McCoy Code SN4 NASA/Johnson Space Center Houston, TX 77058 | |