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dc.creatorEhlmann, Arthur J.
dc.descriptionForm with information related to the Fife meteorite submitted by Art Ehlmann.
dc.relationOscar Monnig Papers (MS 124)
dc.rightsPrior written permission from TCU Special Collections required to use any document or photograph.
dc.sourceSeries III, Box 06, Fife Meteorite folder
dc.subjectFife meteorite
dc.subjectFife (Tex.)
dc.subjectSmithsonian Institution
dc.subjectMcCoy, Tim (Timothy J.)
dc.titleSubmission Form for the Fife Meteorite to the Natural History Museum's Database
dc.description.transcriptionPLEASE EMAIL THE BULLETIN EDITOR AT TO CONFIRM RECEIPT OF YOUR SUBMISSION Proposed name for new meteorite: Fife For what type of geographic feature was this meteorite named? Small Community If you have a map of the find or fall location, please send it to the Editor, Meteoritical Bulletin: faxed Observed fall? No Date of find: 04/05/03 (April 5, 2003) What is the name of the nearest town or village to the recovery site? Fife County meteorite recovered in: McCulloch County State meteorite recovered in: Texas Country meteorite recovered in : USA Coordinates (all required): Longitude: 99 degrees, 24 minutes, 21 seconds W Latitude: 31degrees, 23 minutes, 23 seconds N Total mass recovered (include units): 8.6kg Number of individual objects recovered: 1 Please describe the circumstances of the meteorite recovery: Found by Paul Alastuey while plowing Nature of the recovery site: wheat field Classification information: Meteorite group: H Chondrite If it is a chondrite, enter petrologic type: 5 Enter shock stage, if known: 3 Enter weathering grade, if known (Wlotzka, 1993): 1 Enter name and address of person(s) who classified it: Arthur J. Ehlmann (Curator, Monnig Collection, TCU Box 298830, Fort Worth, TX 76129): recognized, petrography, and took a study specimen. Tim McCoy (Smithsonian Institution): probe analysis and section petrography. Enter name and address of institution where the type specimen has been deposited: Monnig Meteorite Collection, Texas Christian University, Fort Worth, TX 76129 Enter Mass of type specimen: 98% Monnig Collection Where is the main mass of this meteorite? Monnig Collection Who should be contacted to obtain specimens? Arthur J. Ehlmann, Curator, Monnig Meteorite Collection, TCU Box 298830, Fort Worth, TX 76129 Enter key information that was used for classification: Fa 17.6 Fs 15.9 Wo 1.1 Please note any unusual mineralogical, chemical, or physical properties: The polished cut face is black with metal to troilite about 2:1. There are long streaks of metal up to one centimeter in length. The smaller blebs of metal and troilite are extremely irregular in outline and appear to have numerous silicate inclusions. The probe section has well defined chondrule outlines (but the probe data are indicative of a highly equilibrated type). The olivines show undulatory to mosaic extinction and are impregnated with blebs. The mesostasis is opaque and crystallized. The chondrules range from exocentric incipient crystals to barred and euhedral olivine types. If the meteorite is a find, has another meteorite with the same classification been recovered within a distance of about 25 km? No, closest is Brady, an L6 If you know of any published information about this meteorite, please supply references. None previous exist. Who are you? Arthur J. Ehlmann, Address: Curator, Monnig Meteorite Collection, TCU Box 298830, Fort Worth, TX 76129 E-mail: A.Ehlmann@TCU.EDU Phone: 817-257-6278 Fax: 817-257-7789 The point of contact for submitting all information about new meteorites for approval is: Dr. Sara S. Russell Dept. Mineralogy, Natural History Museum Cromwell Road, London SW7 5BD, UK phone: +44 207 942 5074 fax: +44 207 942 5537 e-mail: meteorite

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This item appears in the following Collection(s)
  • Records of the Monnig Meteorite Gallery [2825]
    The files are arranged alphabetically, usually according to the location of discovery of the meteorite. The files contain correspondence and research material on the meteorites in the collection.

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