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dc.descriptionNotes on the Floydada, Texas meteorite's history, description of the hand sample, and metallography on the slices of the meteorite.
dc.relationOscar Monnig Papers (MS 124)
dc.rightsPrior written permission from TCU Special Collections required to use any document or photograph.
dc.sourceSeries III, Box 06, Floydada, TX folder
dc.subjectFloydada meteorite
dc.subjectFloydada (Tex.)
dc.subjectArizona State University. Center for Meteorite Studies
dc.subjectTexas Christian University (TCU)
dc.subjectNininger, Harvey Harlow
dc.titleTyped notes on the Floydada Iron's History, Handle Sample, and Metallography
dc.description.transcriptionFloydada History Sample from R.F. Stevenson, County Surveyor Found by C.L. Bradford a few months prior to July, 1938 in his pasture (coords.??). Because the iron was found near a "junk pile", it is possible that the meteorite had been dumped there by an earlier tenant. The main mass weighed 27.5 lbs = 12.5 kg Found 10 miles SE of Floydada in flat, open country Apparently not found in 1912, as listed in the catalog and cited by A.D. Nininger (Pop. Astron., 1939, 47, 212) Oscar got a sample by Nov., 38, but apparently samples also sent to Nininger (21 g at ASU) Oscar bought the sample between July and Nov., 1938, from R.F. Stevenson TCU Sample M28.1 (main mass) 12.24 kg; M28.2 is 116 gram end piece Nininger Collection of Meteorites, pg. 52 Barnes - Catalog of Texas Meteorites Seen by Ed Henderson (pers. comm., 1939) Buchwald (1975) Briefly noted, but not studied Malvin et al. (1984) GCA IIIB Iron Sample from Huss Hand Sample The main mass is a relatively flat mass, with a shape approximating and equilateral triangle, with dimensions of ~28 cm on a side and about 7 cm in thickness. The mass shows little oxidation, which is surprising considering it is a find. Slices eut from the mass show deep fractures, which appear to parallel shereibersite lamellae. Several deep indentations are apparent, up to 3 cm in diameter, and these correlate with the locations of troilite inclusions on a cut surface. Metallography We have examined 10 slices of the meteorite. Troilite inclusions are ubiquitous, but not very abundant (a few % at most). These troilite inclusions range from round to elongate, with a maximum dimension of 4 cm. I have retained a 234 g slice for study.

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This item appears in the following Collection(s)
  • Records of the Monnig Meteorite Gallery [2825]
    The files are arranged alphabetically, usually according to the location of discovery of the meteorite. The files contain correspondence and research material on the meteorites in the collection.

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