dc.description.transcription | 1 Fort Sam Houston, Texas July 4, 1936 Dear Grandma & Grandpa, I hope you are having a great big time as I am writing them. I have been laying around all day, not doing a thing but eating and reading. WE had a pretty good dinner. Fried chicken, cake and ice cream were the main course for me. Of course there were lots of other things but I didn't care for them. Its pretty pretty hot here for the past 2 month and still is for that matter. This last week we've had rain. In fact, we had several floods. Maybe you've read about it in the papers. A good many people have drowned not right around here but in this part of Texas, a little farther South. It suits me to wait until September to go to Kentucky. I could have gotten a furlough now but I can get it in September just as well. The weather will be more ideal then. Our trip to Dallas was called off. We are 3 going to do Military Police Duty for a week, beginning next Friday. You can bet we don't exactly love that job. M.P.'s are not liked very much by the rest of the soldiers, and the M.P.'s are very much in the minority. I guess we can struggle through it for a week though if the regular M.P.'s have been doing it for years. How would you like for me to go to the Phillipine Islands for a coupla years. I would like to go very 4 much and I have an excellent chance. All I have to do is to apply for it and I can go. After I get there it will be very easy to get a place as Radio Operator and an advancement. Promotions are very fast overseas as two years is all anyone does at a time. Advancement is very slow here because it is a large post and so many soldiers are married and stay on the job. If I go, I will have to get Grandpa's consent because I am not of age. When I apply for a transfer a consent form will be sent to him to 5 be filled out. After the transfer is made, I will get 30 or more days leave to visit relatives before I go. Then I can come home and make the trip. And when I go to Frisco to make the boat I can see Virginia and the rect. And then I can get a lot of travel and experience that will help me when I get back. The boat makes one day stops at Hawaii, Guam and sometimes goes by Japan and China. And it is at Government expense. 6 So please think it over and let me know if you care. As I would very mcuh like to go. A very good friend of mine is going also and I know some boy already over there. Tell Irvin and Lurline hello for me and anyone else you may see. Well, I can't thing of anything else to write about so I may as well close. Write soon and tell me that you will consent so I may submit my application. Lots of love, Smith S.L. GREEN 2ND TANK CO. FT. SAM HOUSTON, TEXAS MR. W.M. GREEN BOX #426 BROKEN BOW, OKLAHOMA | |