2024-01-252024-01-251965-01-03https://repository.tcu.edu/handle/116099117/61913Letter from Oscar Monnig to Herbert V. Schulz asking him again for a small fragment of the Cranfills Gap meteorite to take when he goes to New York so that the meteorite can be classified. Explains what he thinks it will be classified as, and asks if he can also get the contact information for Schulz's brother Carroll so that he can see about possibly acquiring the portion of the stone that he took for radiological testing years prior.Prior written permission from TCU Special Collections required to use any document or photograph.MeteoriteCranfills Gap meteoriteCranfills Gap (Tex.)H6 chondriteSchulz, Herbert V.Schulz, CarrollLetter from Oscar Monnig to Herbert V. Schulz (January 3, 1965)Document