2023-05-152023-05-15n.d.https://repository.tcu.edu/handle/116099117/58455Typed notes by Oscar Monnig on his trip to Tishomingo to give a talk. Includes information on the various stops that were made with number references seeming to point to numbers that he put onto a map (probably located in this folder) of the area around Tishomingo. Also discusses the information that he has recently come into possession of regarding a possible meteorite in Atoka, Oklahoma.Prior written permission from TCU Special Collections required to use any document or photograph.MeteoriteTishomingo (Okla.)Ungrouped ironOrr, Glen HarrisOrr, R. C. "Jack"Harris, Boston N.Pope, JohnWilliams, James M.Whiteley, JohnWarden, V. S.Sikes, SterlingSikes, Allie MaeStamps, Hal B.Cooke, W. M.Notes on Trip of April 13, 1965.Document