2023-06-262023-06-2619691002https://repository.tcu.edu/handle/116099117/59892Transcendental etudes, S. 139. No. 11 in D-flat major, Harmonies du soir / Liszt -- Études symphoniques, op. 13 / R. Schumann -- Capriccio on the interval of a second / Dello Joio.WAV0:38:16EtudesCapriccios (Music)John Cobb, Preliminaries (Part 2), 3rd Van Cliburn Competition (1969)soundRights in Van Cliburn Archive recordings reside with The Cliburn, 201 Main Street, Suite 100, Fort Worth, TX 76102, 817-738-6536. Access to recordings in the Archive is intended for personal or research use. By accessing recordings, listeners agree not to capture, store, duplicate or publicly play or transmit recordings for any purpose without the express permission of the President/CEO of The Cliburn or his designated representative.  Persons desiring access to full-length recordings may contact the TCU Special Collections and Archives regarding their request.