Marascio, Corinne2023-06-082023-06-082023-05-19 purpose of this study was to examine how ballet could be used as a form of therapy to improve gross motor function in children with intellectual developmental disabilities (IDDs). Fourteen participants (ages 4-12, 10 males, 4 females) who were enrolled in Monday and Friday camp days at ABC Educational Services, Inc. Stimulation School Summer Camp were included in the study. Participants completed the Bruininks-Oseretsky Test of Motor Proficiency, 2nd Edition (BOT-2) during the first week of the intervention. The following six weeks, participants engaged in 30-minute ballet classes twice a week. During week eight of the intervention participants completed the BOT-2 test a second time. The results indicated that children with a suspected IDD did not consistently score below average on the BOT-2. Additionally, statistically significant correlations between ballet instruction and gross motor proficiency were not found. Further studies should be done to continue to examine the relationship between ballet and gross motor function.balletdance therapyballet therapyintellectual developmental disabilitychildrendisabilityAn Examination of the Effectiveness of Ballet on Gross Motor Function in Children with Intellectual Developmental Disabilities