2024-07-192024-07-191973-03https://repository.tcu.edu/handle/116099117/64936Mary Couts Burnett Library cataloging department celebrating the end of reclassification (1966-1973). On reverse: "Front row: L-R Dr Paul Parham, Head Librarian Ruth Wassenich, Head Cataloger Dr. Tom Brewer, Academic Vice-chancellor Dr. James Moudy, Chancellor of The University Dr. John Hitt Back Row Joe Tomlinson Edythe Cecil Lois Hannaford Beverley Lasater Willie Glenn White Jane Daniel Ruth Routt Virginia Diggs Mary Forsyth Esther Winesanker Loraine Spivey Jo Secrest"8 x 10 glossyPrior written permission from TCU Special Collections required to use any document or photographMary Couts Burnett LibraryCataloging departmentImage