2016-09-142016-09-142013-11-05https://doi.org/10.1155/2013/920484https://repository.tcu.edu/handle/116099117/11466https://www.hindawi.com/archive/2013/920484/The present study is an exploratory examination of the influence of social and organizational features on respondents' attributions of responsibility for wrongdoing within an organization. Respondents read a vignette of organizational wrongdoing that included the manipulation of social features, such as whether the organizational actor was following orders or acting on his volition (social role) and if the actor tried to cover up his actions or not (deed), and organizational features, such as standard operating procedures (SOP) and institutionalized mental schemas. Following the vignette, respondents made attributional judgments to both the individual actor and organization based on a multidimensional measure of responsibility. Results indicated that the actor's role within the organization, his actions or deeds, and organizational SOP significantly impacted how respondents attributed responsibility (on multiple dimensions) to either the individual or organization. Moreover, results indicated that women and men tended to attribute responsibility differently. Recommendations are made to improve future tests of the integrated model.enhttps://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/WrongdoingResponsibilityAttributionOrganizationsAttribution of Responsibility for Organizational Wrongdoing: A Partial Test of an Integrated ModelArticleCC BY 3.0