2021-03-052021-03-052020-01-15https://doi.org/10.5296/ijssr.v8i1.15485https://repository.tcu.edu/handle/116099117/43828http://www.macrothink.org/journal/index.php/ijssr/article/download/15485/12661Although there are numerous research studies on post adoption services to improve wellbeing of adopted children and their adoptive families, there is scarce research on school adjustment of adopted children. To address this gap, the current study examined the link between experience of school bullying and psychological stress among Korean children adopted into U.S. white families. In addition, it examined the role of social support in moderation the association between the experience of being bullied and stress. One hundred sixty-one were mailed to adoptive families through Dillon International Adoption Agency. Thirty-one children completed and returned the packets. Data analysis utilizing independent t-test and ANOVA indicated that peer intervention and adults or teachers' intervention could be a moderating factor to lower stress levels among Korean adoptees. The paper includes research implications of these findings as well as limitations of the study.enhttps://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/Korean adoptees in white familiesschool bullyingbullying preventionsocial supportstressPerceptions of School Bullying, Social Support, and Stress Among Korean Adoptees in U.S. White Families: A Pilot StudyArticleCC BY 4.0