Mayne, Rhiannon2022-12-142022-12-142022-12-12 14904 is a previously unstudied and therefore unclassified meteorite. NWA 14094 is a 800g single stone meteorite, purchased by a private collector who later approached the Monnig Meteorite Lab at Texas Christian University (TCU) for classification and a detailed study of the meteorite. As a result of this study, the sample received the official name and classification of NWA 14904, poikilitic shergottite. A detailed scientific study and petrogenetic model was created using 3D modeling, computed tomography (CT) scans, electron microprobe analyses (EMPA), scanning electron microprobe (SEM) analyses, and comparing NWA 14904 to the existing Martian meteorite suite.Format: OnlineenGeologyMeteoritesNWA 14904MarsClassification and petrogenesis of new martian meteorite, NWA 14904Text