Clausen, Olivia2024-11-052024-11-052024-05-19 is the emotional and physical components of safety and fills the gap between knowing you are safe and feeling you are safe. Felt-safety is a critical aspect of development because it allows an individual to move from their lower functioning automatic brain to higher level centers capable of reasoning and learning. Youth who are in foster care, particularly youth in residential care settings, experience frequent change and many new environments. The author investigated whether felt-safety levels could be increased in a local group home through "Life Skill" lessons. The author used "Life Skill" lessons to build relational connections among residents and between residents and staff. Before undergoing "Life Skill" lessons participants took an online written assessment which measured: felt-safety using The Neuroception of Psychological Safety Scale (NPSS), attachment patterns using The Experiences in Close Relationships Scale (ECR), and psychological wellbeing using the Psychological-Wellbeing Scale (PWB). The hypothesis was to see increases in felt-safety and gain evidence for best practices in increasing safety levels among youth in residential settings. A second hypothesis was to see an increase in psychological wellbeing in correlation to felt-safety. A Wilcoxon Rank Sum Test was used to determine significance between Time 1 and Time 2. Interestingly, there was found to be a significant decrease in felt-safety levels, while the difference in psychological wellbeing was not significant. Overall, this research helped quantify levels of felt-safety and wellbeing amongst youth in residential care.Felt-SafetyResidential CareFoster CarePsychological WellbeingAttachmentTrust-Based Relational InterventionTBRIGroup Home Care and Felt-Safety