Severs, Chrissy2024-11-052024-11-052024-05-19 paper proposes how to conduct an examination of the efficacy of using artificial intelligence (AI) for setting sales appointments. AI, an emerging technology, is reshaping how businesses function and stay competitive in their market (PricewaterhouseCoopers, 2024). With AI?s ability to complete repetitive tasks (Luo, Tong, Fang, & Qu, 2019), the ability to save businesses time is key (Porteous, 2019). Generating revenue is one of the most important initiatives for sales organizations (Ahearne, 2023). In most organizations, entry-level sales agents utilize the traditional seven-step sales cycle (Paschen, Wilson, & Ferreira, 2020), most commonly conducted by operational phone activities (Shi, Sridhar, & Grewal, 2023). Thus, entry-level sales agents set sales appointments with clients in order to engage them in the sales cycle. Due to AI?s success with repetitive tasks, it begs the question of Artificial intelligence?s efficacy in setting sales appointments. This proposed study design aims to help assist future scholars in understanding how customers interact and perceive AI in a sales context through expanding upon Relationship Marketing Theory and Uncanny Valley Theory.AISalesUncanny Valley TheoryRelationship Marketing TheoryArtificial Intelligence’s Efficacy for Setting Sales Appointments: A Conceptual Framework Informed by Relationship Marketing Theory & Uncanny Valley Theory