2019-07-122019-07-122018-06-01https://doi.org/10.1016/j.conctc.2018.03.010https://repository.tcu.edu/handle/116099117/26406https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S245186541830019XThis paper describes the development and protocol for feasibility and efficacy testing of a risk reduction intervention designed to improve behavioral health outcomes among drug offenders on probation under community supervision or in residential substance abuse treatment centers. StaySafe is a self-administered tablet-based intervention for teaching better decision-making skills regarding health risk behaviors, especially those involving HIV risks. We are using pre/post, experimental/control group randomized clinical trial (RCT) in both community and residential probation settings with goals to 1) assess the feasibility and acceptance of StaySafe by examining participation rates and satisfaction measures, and 2) examine the impact of StaySafe on decision-making skills, confidence and motivation to avoid sex and drug risks, willingness to discuss health risks and concerns with helpful others, and engagement in health risk behaviors. StaySafe consists of 12 brief sessions and utilizes an evidence-based decision-making schema, called WORKIT, which guides participants through steps for identifying the problem and options, evaluating the options and making a decision about which option to carry out. Multiple sessions of StaySafe provide a practice effect so that the WORKIT steps become easily accessible to participants when making decisions. Three of the sessions provide participants a choice of activities designed to provide additional information about HIV and reinforce lessons learned during the WORKIT sessions. Preliminary data demonstrate feasibility and high levels of satisfaction with StaySafe.enhttps://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/Clinical trialHIVProbationTablet-based interventionDecision-makingStaySafe: A self-administered android tablet application for helping individuals on probation make better decisions pertaining to health risk behaviorsArticleCC BY-NC-ND 4.0