Bashore, LisaJohnson, Morgan2019-09-252019-09-252019, there is a lack of support for pediatric cancer survivors as they transition to adult care. The student researcher outlined this discovery through an extensive review and synthesis of the literature. The major areas of concern for both survivors and care providers (pediatric and adult) are lack of communication between providers and survivors, support for survivors, and education of the survivors. The student researcher used the findings from the review of pertinent literature to create the transition guidelines of survivors based on the American Academy of Pediatric Got Transition Model (AAP, 2014). To facilitate implementation of these guidelines, the student researcher created a workbook for the Life After Cancer Program at Cook Children's Health Care System in Fort Worth. Such guidelines are important because they will help to facilitate a successful transition rate of pediatric oncology survivors to adult care providers.Evidence-Based Guidelines Development for the Successful Transition of Young Adult Childhood Cancer Survivors to Adult Care Providers