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dc.descriptionEast coast of America has coastline well represented and known, but interiors are arbitrary. More lakes of considerable size appear than actually exist. Text in Latin.
dc.format.extent45.2 x 54.8 cm
dc.publisherSchenk, Peter, 1661-1711
dc.subject.otherNorth America
dc.titleNova Tabula Geographica complectens Borealiorem Americae partem; in qua exacte delineatae sunt Canada, sive Nova Francia, Nova Scotia, Nova Anglia, Novum Belgium, Pennsylvania, Virginia, Carolina, et Terra Nova, cum omnibus Littorum . . . .
dc.format.resolution600 dpi x 600 dpi
dc.contributor.engraverAnse, Luggert van, active 1690-1716
dc.contributor.cartographerVisscher, Nicolaes, 1649-1702

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This item appears in the following Collection(s)
  • George T. Abell Map Collection [102]
    Cartographic collection which includes maps of the world, the British Isles, Pacific Ocean, North and South America, the Western Hemisphere, and the United States. Dates range from the sixteenth to the twentieth centuries.

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