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dc.creatorHays, Joseph Warren
dc.descriptionHays says they are shooting a movie on base with Jane Russel. Dating a detective. Big football game coming up.
dc.relationJoseph Warren Hays Papers (MS 159)
dc.rightsPrior written permission from TCU Special Collections required to use any file.
dc.sourceSeries I, Box 1, Folder 6
dc.subjectWorld War II
dc.subjectUnited States Army
dc.subjectUnited States Army Air Corps
dc.titleHays letter to family
dc.description.transcription9-13-45Dear Folks,I’m getting a little behind with my letter writing so I’ll start playing “ketchup” by writing this one before dinner.I’ve been having P.T. twice a day up until now but tomorrow that stops. Starting tomorrow I just have it once a day, but of course there is a little matter of eight hours of ground school to contend with too.Been keeping pretty busy of late with extra “carikular” (if that doesn’t “carikular” what does?) activities. I’ve been going to the beach some and have the beginnings of a suntan at last. Yesterday one of the movie companies was making part of a picture out here on the base and using some of the real McCoy for the background. The tittle of it is “The Young Widow” with Jane Russel. In the scene I saw them shooting shecomes charging up to the gate but the M.P. stops her. She mumbels something I couldn’t here andthe M.P. says, “Not a chance.” She says, “But I just must see him.” The M.P. then points off into the distance and “sho nuff” he has just taken off in a B-24 for England. She then turns around, faces the camera and watches the airplane fly away. They had to shoot the scene of her turning around and faceing the camera about 10 times until she finally worked up a little tear. Colossel!I’ve been going out with a private detective. She is a cute little blond. She got fired the other day but it was fun while it lasted. Her boss would give her a description of some characters and we would go out and hunt for him. Never did find anybody but I sure hunted. The last two nights she hasn’t been working so we just went out. She got fired because she was supposed to stay on duty until five o’clock one morning but we both got tired of hunting about 12 o’clock so I took her home. She didn’t care because she was going to quit anyway.Jim Vaderis still gone but I am going to take his Aunt and Uncle to the big football game tomorrow night anyway. It is between the 2ndair force and the 4thair force. There are lot of big stars on both teams and it should be a whale of a game. Theyaren’t going to play in the Rose Bowl because it isn’t big enough. There is some other field in L.A. that is bigger. We bought our tickets two weeks ago and they were about sold out then.I’m checking up with the finance office on my account and I think Iam going to have to cough up $234.00. So Papa don’t be surprised if I ask for that amount one of these days.Mama, I wish you would send my watch to me. This hack watch of mine has about decided to quit running altogether.Don’t look now but the shipping and receiving officer sent a bunch of names to Ft. Sam Houston last night, mine among them, asking how soon could they handel us. No reply as yet but I’m holding on.Time for me to go eat and then to P.T. so I’m quittin’.Love,Joe

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This item appears in the following Collection(s)
  • Joseph Warren Hays Papers [162]
    The collection includes a complete set of letters written by Joseph Warren Hays to his family while serving in the Army Air Corps during World War II. The letters detail his aviation training across the United States and his service in Europe toward the end of the war. In his later years, Mr. Hays wrote recollections of his missions over Europe. The collection also includes printed publications, newspaper clippings, a scrapbook, a photograph of Hays, and ephemera.

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