dc.description.abstract | This study sought to identify the best practices of grant-writing and create an understandable analysis for new non-profit communicators. In a realm reliant on the generosity of others, writing strong grant applications has become an indispensable skill. In all forms of persuasion, the art of blending numbers and narrative requires a subtle touch to confidently persuade and impassion readers. For an organization without much donor loyalty or traction, a skillfully written grant application could be the sole factor keeping a starving non-profit and its benefactors alive.
With qualitative interviews and work spanning humanitarian aid, child advocacy, and foundations in Lamar County, Texas, this study will present a detailed guide to effective grant-writing. Proven alongside primary research, this study proves the importance of impacted data, effective storytelling, and strong relationships, while posing numerous key strategies and implications for communicators, their profession, and their local communities.
Thus, from one new communicator to another, welcome to Numbers and Narrative: a guide to effective grant-writing for non-profits. | |