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dc.descriptionCorrespondence between Nellie Bell and her parents
dc.format.medium10.25x6.5 paper, 2 sheets
dc.relationBell Family Papers (MS 011)
dc.rightsPrior written permission from TCU Special Collections required to use any photograph.
dc.sourceSeries I, Box 1, Folder 5
dc.subjectBell Family
dc.subjectBell, Nellie Lewis
dc.titleLetter from Nellie Bell to parents - 1916
dc.description.transcriptionConception Chile. March 28 – 1916 My Darling Mamma Papa & Bro. Have first finished a very large washing, three shirts of Edws. one waist mine, one suit B.V.D’s a combination two halfs [?] and four pairs socks, and after such strenous exercise I feel right in line to write, well dearies it seems ages since I have heard from you, and I suppose you folks are thinking the same – but I know I won’t get a letter now untill we get to Buenos Aires and it will be a (page break) two months before we get there. Well dearies this conception is the futherest south we are going. It is a clean little town and the cold weather has just began to set in, and now through May, June and July we will be in the midst of our winter and you will be having summer The difference in seasons it hard to get used to. The first three days here just poured down rain and I did enjoy the rain, the very first good rain we have had since Panama, as you know further north along the Pacific coast it don’t rain. Edward just now came in and I had to darn two holes in his vest (page break) He also brought the salary to me Edward had me a wash board and ironing board made here the wash board is all wood The people here use a stiff brush to wash with. I tried the brush with the wash board and they work fine and you do not have to work so hard to get the clothes clean by putting them on the wash board and scrubing them with the brush. A lady in Santiago taught me how to crochet lovely lace, I will make you enough lace and incertion [?] for a sheet. There is going to be a bazzar here the first second and third of April and I am going to see if I can get (page break) you a round table cencer piece of linen with hand made lace for your table, they make wonderful hand made lace here Gertie and I saw a women making it, and she said she would sell it for five six dollars this money a yard which is only one dollar gold just think and that very lace in the States would be worth at least five or six dollars gold. so if I can get you a center piece with that kind of lace on it I will. Edward and two other gentleman went out hunting yesterday and got hardly anything, only seven small birds, the went for parritdge – but I guess its rather (page break) 2 early in the season for them. Edward was disappointed, he has not be out hunting in so long that he was anxious to get something. We live right next door to the theatre here. I can hear all the acts or rather tell what acts on. I made two wonderful demonstrations here, one for poisoning and the other for physic. Three of us got poisoned Albert, Dick and me, and I was the only one who pulled through with out a dose of medicine I couldn’t even get practioner on account of the rain the telegraph wires were down so I first had to get on my haunches and do the work myself, and (page break) you just ought to see how I pulled though. I feel just like a new person, just grand. I just can not begin to tell you what a wonderful demonstration it was and I am so grateful for it, my bowel moved right away. Well dearies every town after Buenos Aires will be just that much nearer home, Oh! I will be so glad. We all will be glad. Do you hear from Aunt Mary often? and do you ever hear from aunt Nellie? and our dear brother boy how about him? just as soon as we get any where near the states I am going to visit you. I did enjoy my self so much the last time I was home, weren’t we all happy tho? I hope I can (page break) be home for next Xmas. I am anxious to know if you have got a house yet? And about the conditions in Mexico, we hear all kinds of things about Mexico. I work for your protection I can hear Arturo rehersing with the piano his song, I guess for tonight, he is singing Sol la Mia. I make toast every morning on my electric stove, and Gertie and I made some candy yesterday, you remember that little book of candy recipes I got at the cooking school in El Paso? Well this candy receipt is out of there, and gee it is fine. You can not buy it good candy down here at all. I am going to copy that candy receipt off for you (page break) also the one for mainoise [mayonnaise] dressing you ask me for a long time ago. how I do wish we had eyes that could see a long distance I should so love to look in at you all this evening. my own sweet dearies your little girl thinks of you so often. My darling Mamma Papa & Bro boy receive very best of love and kisses from one who loves you dearly, your loving sister girl. Nellie Edward sens love to- Address c/o of American Consul Buenos Aires, Argentine Rep. S.A.

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This item appears in the following Collection(s)
  • Bell Family Papers [522]
    The Bells were Mexican vaudeville artists who performed between the 1890s and the 1920s. The papers document, largely with photographs, the careers of the members of the Bell Vaudeville company.

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