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dc.descriptionThe Americas are central to the map. California is an island. The coast of Asia is at the left, islands extending south to Nouvelle Holland (Australia). Part of Europe and Africa on the right. 0? Longitude passes through l'Isle de Fer in the Canaries. Insets of cities and scenes.
dc.format.extent57 x 93 cm
dc.publisherLeth, Hendrik de, 1703-1766
dc.publisherLeth, Andries de, 1662-1731
dc.subject.otherPacific Ocean
dc.titleCarte nouvelle de la Mer du Dus, Dressee par ordres des principaux directeurs, et tiree des memoires les plus recens . . . .
dc.format.resolution600 dpi x 600 dpi
dc.contributor.engraverLeth, Hendrik de, 1703-1766
dc.contributor.engraverLeth, Andries de, 1662-1731

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This item appears in the following Collection(s)
  • George T. Abell Map Collection [101]
    Cartographic collection which includes maps of the world, the British Isles, Pacific Ocean, North and South America, the Western Hemisphere, and the United States. Dates range from the sixteenth to the twentieth centuries.

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