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dc.creatorSilsby, Ella Reynolds
dc.descriptionLetter from Ella to Amon Carter expressing sympathy at the news that his son, Amon, Jr., had been reported missing in action in North Africa.
dc.format.medium7x10.5 paper
dc.relationAmon G. Carter Papers (MS 014)
dc.rightsPrior written permission from TCU Special Collections required to use any document or photograph
dc.sourceBox 141, POW - Capture (March 17-22) 5 of 11 folder, Item 057
dc.subjectCarter, Amon G., Jr.
dc.subjectPrisoners of war
dc.subjectWorld War II
dc.titleLetter re: Amon Carter, Jr.
dc.description.transcriptionMarch 18/43 Care N.B Reynolds- Dearest Amon, Bless you and your dear ones! It is a real heart-break I feel for the pain you are suffering in this experience of darkness & fear. I know that the good soldier in Amon Jr. is the same good soldier that is your- and every inch a soldier- in the midst of this fierce battle you are fighting. The same qualities of courage- of taith- of love which are sustaining him at this moment are sustaining you. I feel confident that he is alive and that you will have some word from him before long. Why this confidence? Figuring it from a purely human standpoint the odds are over-whelmingly in favor of it- and beyond the human the reason for the hope that is in me I know God's love has never been withdrawn from him and that he cannot get out of the omnipresence. We are seeing every day evidences of Gods power to save to the uttermost. Will you join me in trusting God to reveal all Amon Jr. needs to know and all that you need to know for his complete liberation. It is not necessary for you to be torn with doubt and fear. The intelligence the Mind that governs the universe tells you all things and is at your command. It is at your command because you are the full represtenation of this Mind. Put you faith and trust in it and you will find that it will do wonders for you. This may sound incomprehensible to you but it's not- it's sound and absolutely scientific because it's possible of proof. "God's greatness flowe around our incompleteness Round or restlessness- His rest" Trust in the Lord with all thing heart and lean not to thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him and he shall direct thy paths. Prov. 3:5-6. When thou liest down thou shalt not be afraid; yea, thou shalt lie down and they sleep shall be sweet. Prov. 3:24 Hope to see you around the first of april when I return to Fort Worth and that you will come in and have dinner with mother & me and play some gin-rummy. Mother & Dean want especially to be remembered to you and lend you their best wishes. With love and every good wish Yours. Ella. My love to Katrine & Carl

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This item appears in the following Collection(s)
  • Amon G. Carter, Sr. Collection [19320]
    The Amon G. Carter Papers consist of correspondence, photographs, newspapers, scrapbooks, and artifacts. The papers document the history of Fort Worth and the Southwest, as well as Carter's personal and business interests.

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