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dc.creatorHays, Joseph Warren
dc.descriptionHays has been sick several days with fever. Asking Mom to send some things from home.
dc.relationJoseph Warren Hays Papers (MS 159)
dc.rightsPrior written permission from TCU Special Collections required to use any file.
dc.sourceSeries I, Box 1, Folder 1
dc.subjectWorld War II
dc.subjectUnited States Army
dc.subjectUnited States Army Air Corps
dc.titleHays letter to family
dc.description.transcription4-14-1943Dear Folks,Sick again, well again. No, it wasn’t a relapse from the measles. I just plain old got sick. I don’t know what was wrong with me the Dr. didn’t tell me, I don’t think he knew. Here is the whole story and maybe you can decide for yourself what was the matter.Friday --Felt fine. Got a box of candy from Amy, maybe I ate too much, maybe I didn’t.Saturday --Complained about not sleeping well, had crazy dream that lasted all night long. I was rushing to airport to catch planeto go to some other Army camp. Had ten minutes to catch plane and my barracks bags weren’t packed when bugle blew to get up. Wonder if I made it? Slight cold, slight sore throat. Didn’t eat supper, didn’t leave post on night off. Went to bed at 7:00. Had slight fever. It jumped about a degree when I got a tetanus shot earlier in the afternoon that I forgot to mention. Sunday --Woke up with about a 100°fever. Laid it on to the shot and decided to stay in bed all day. Didn’t eat any breakfast and had the samething for lunch. Carl Hathaway came by in the morning and tried to get me to go to church but I told him I didn’t feel like it. Still had headache and had developed slight tooth ache on upper right, fourth from back. Late in the afternoon I went to Dr. office. Dr. wasn’t there, temperature 101°, attendant gave me some sulfa diazines. I ate them for supper and went to bed. Monday --Got up. Didn’t eat breakfast. Went to Dr. office, temp 102°, had headache, toothache, the whole right side of my face hurt, back hurt, arm hurt, I hurt all over, but nothing similar to flu. Had cold and sore throat too. He gave me some more sulfa diazines, some gargle, some G.I. pills to enforce membership in the regulars and mopped my throat. I told him I was already a member and besides I hadn’t eaten for two days. I took them just the same. For dinner I had sulfa diazinesand for supper I had sulfa diazines. Tuesday --I at a bowl of cereal. The first bite that I had take in 56 hours. Temp 100 °and still had head ache, tooth ache and the whole right side of my face still hurt. Ate sulfa diazinesall day long, also ate a little dinner, and a little supper.Weds--Temp. 98.6°. Still slight head ache, till slight tooth ache, face still hurts. I ask Dr. if it could be sinus, he said it not only could be, but it is. He said I would get over it when I got use to this changeable weather. I informed him that I was from Texas where changeable weather waschangeable weather. Then he laid it onto the coal smoke and told me if it wasn’t better in two or three days to come down and see him. I am going to start to classes again to tomorrow and really start to play “ketchup.”No Mama, Ruth didn’t tell me anything about Bill Herman, so I would like the When’s, how’s, why’s, where’s and everything else about it from someone and not a description of the funeral. Ruth is it about time to see about the annual or am I just over anxious. Loraine might know something about it as Leroy was Bus. Mgr. or something. The Krystal is still across the street. I haven’t been in it yet but it looks nice from the outside.

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This item appears in the following Collection(s)
  • Joseph Warren Hays Papers [162]
    The collection includes a complete set of letters written by Joseph Warren Hays to his family while serving in the Army Air Corps during World War II. The letters detail his aviation training across the United States and his service in Europe toward the end of the war. In his later years, Mr. Hays wrote recollections of his missions over Europe. The collection also includes printed publications, newspaper clippings, a scrapbook, a photograph of Hays, and ephemera.

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