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dc.creatorHays, Joseph Warren
dc.descriptionHays is home from hospital (mumps); New roommates and new address.
dc.relationJoseph Warren Hays Papers (MS 159)
dc.rightsPrior written permission from TCU Special Collections required to use any file.
dc.sourceSeries I, Box 1, Folder 1
dc.subjectWorld War II
dc.subjectUnited States Army
dc.subjectUnited States Army Air Corps
dc.titleHays letter to family
dc.description.transcription5-25-43Dear Folks,This will have to be short as I am writing “on company time.” Well, I am home from the hospital and feeling fine. I’m a little weak in the knees but outside of that I am O.K.That feared change in rooms, room matesetc. took place. I don’t know too much about my new “buddies” but will let you know what I know in my next letter.I got my annual and it was in fine shape. I got cheated in all of those pictures showing intermural sports. I was just out of nearly all of them. Iris, I don’t want you to have anything to do with that Doris girl any more, she is absolutely crazy. “Honey, if you want stamps here they are!” Bull. I’ll write in a couple of days. Love, Joe (over)I just thought of something else. Don’t write me any letters or send me any thing untill you hear of my new address. Iris, you have a birthday present and a poem? on the way. Love again,Joseph W.

Files in this item

This item appears in the following Collection(s)
  • Joseph Warren Hays Papers [162]
    The collection includes a complete set of letters written by Joseph Warren Hays to his family while serving in the Army Air Corps during World War II. The letters detail his aviation training across the United States and his service in Europe toward the end of the war. In his later years, Mr. Hays wrote recollections of his missions over Europe. The collection also includes printed publications, newspaper clippings, a scrapbook, a photograph of Hays, and ephemera.

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