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dc.creatorCarter, Amon Gary, 1919-1982
dc.descriptionLetter from Amon Carter, Jr. to his father, Amon Sr., letting him know he received food parcel from July & August.
dc.format.medium5.75x7.75 paper
dc.relationAmon G. Carter Papers (MS 014)
dc.rightsPrior written permission from TCU Special Collections required to use any document or photograph
dc.sourceBox 144, POW Correspondence 2 of 4 Folder, Item 053
dc.subjectPrisoners of war
dc.subjectCarter, Amon G., Jr.
dc.titleLetter re: prisoner of war updates
dc.description.transcriptionOctober 25, 1944 Dear Dad, received my July and August food parcel today. They were really swell and came just in time since we are out of red cross parcels. Lt Temple Tutwiler arrived last week. He is fine and wants you to notify his uncle he is here. Many thanks for the hunting grounds you mentioned in you Sept 25thletter. I wrote and thanked you for the stock about 6 or 8 months ago. Lt. White exaggerates things. Lots of love to all, Amon Jr.

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This item appears in the following Collection(s)
  • Amon G. Carter, Sr. Collection [19320]
    The Amon G. Carter Papers consist of correspondence, photographs, newspapers, scrapbooks, and artifacts. The papers document the history of Fort Worth and the Southwest, as well as Carter's personal and business interests.

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