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dc.creatorClark, Addison, Sr., 1842-1911
dc.descriptionUndated, handwritten speech by Addison Clark about the importance of educating young people.
dc.format.medium8x12.5 paper
dc.relationJoseph Lynn Clark Papers (MS 156)
dc.rightsPrior written permission from TCU Special Collections required to use any document or photograph.
dc.sourceBox 117, Original Speeches and Compositions of Addison and Randolph Clark folder
dc.subjectClark, Addison, Sr.
dc.titleThe Youth Must be Educated
dc.description.transcriptionThe youth must be educated. Never in the history of nations has there been a time in which it was more necessary for a full development of the intellectual resources of a people than at the present time with the people of the South. The circumstances by which we are surrounded, our future prospects and the bitter lessons of the past, admonish us to give our earnest attention to the education of the youth of the South. We, as a people, have a greater work to accomplish and perhaps more numerous and far greater difficulties to overcome than any other nation ever had: Yet, it does seem that we have become perfectly indifferent to our situation. All that is said or written on the importance of mental culture seems only to lull us into a deeper lethargy. All histories divine, human, and profane might be consulted in vain for a parallel to the conduct of the Southern people at this time. The old ? sworn craft, the Republic as floundering in the boisterous era of bankruptcy; Their commanders are bound and thrown into the hatchway: the black flag of the mutineers is flaunting from the mast head; the cargo of constitutional liberty has been hurled overboard: and all the while the few survivors of the crew are with Pagan zeal bowing to idols. This is not an exaggerated picture of our condition for which we are financially ruined. Out leaders prescribed not a visage of our former tribunes remaining and while the turfs so hardy formed over the myriad of graves of our martyred dead, we with Mahoumed devotion are bearing health happiness and even honor, and sacrifices at the Throne of Fashion. Yet we boast ourselves on being patriots and republicans, away with the patriotism that allow us so soon to forget our cause and our county, away with the principles of republicanism that permits us to basely surrender ourselves all to that most cruel defeat Queen Fashion. The time has come for us to arouse from the indolence. If we ever expect to overcome the misfortunes that have befallen us, we must allow ourselves no longer to be the blind devotees of fashion, nor the disciples of Epicurus. In short, we must educate. We can be abandoning our false notions of pleasure, and giving a proper attention to education. Rise superior to all adversity, and while our enemies are reveling in their ill-gotten wealth, satiated with pleasure drunken with victory, and this traveling at rapid rate down the well beaten road of destruction, we will be slowly and safely climbing the hill of prosperity; and will in the end be the victors. Education as our star of hope. It will be to us the flaming cloud in the heavens to guide us from Egyptian bondage safely beyond the Red Sea of revolution. It is the beacon that will enable us to steer clear of the Lands of ignorance and the breakers of poorly spirit. The people of the south should bear in mind that they are beginning a new existence. They have undergone an entire revolution. Both politically and socially. They are render the necessity of adapting themselves to new customs, and new rubs of action; and, in the herculean task, they have no few obstacles to surmount. It is therefore becomes us instead of permitting ourselves to sink into an inactive endeavor, and allowing the chains which bind us to be riveted tighter, to awaken to our real situation, and to use every exertion to rise above all our misfortunes. Every year, proves more clearly the truth of prediction that we must educate or we will perish. It is impossible for a republic to exist with an ignorant populace. Mexico, whose streams crimson the ocean waves with the blood of contending armies tells the sad fate of a republic struggling for existence while ignorance holds the scepter. Shall ours be a like fate? In addition to our present misfortunes shall the reigns of Mexico be reenacted in our land & will we live to see a system of espionage established and party spirit, which ever finds devoted followers in the ranks of ignorance reigning triumphant? Shall our land become the home of lawless bandits? Shall our legislative halls be the scenes of midnight rowels? And where once was heard the thrilling strains of eloquence, on behalf of justice. Shall we only hear the lusty waves of the debaucher? Shall the dagger take the place of the emblem of justice. Forbid it Heaven! Two of the largest states in the (so called) United States, containing the most valuable territory in North America: and the commercial advantage equal to any in the world. Cannot in the age fall a prey to ignorance. The blood of human victims sacrificed on the alter of fanaticism cannot here be made the fakeness of midnight revels. If we prove ourselves unworthy to indolent to preserve the great trust placed to our care: other nations will take it upon themselves to see that this garden spot of the world is properly cared for. Europe is even now looking with longing eyes to the fertile valleys of the South. The great undeveloped resources of our own states are already beginning to attract the attention of the world. The enterprising Englishman will we long be reaping the rich harvest which might with the proper industry have been over. The mildness of the climate the fertility of the soil and the many other advantages which this country possesses over any other part of the world make it so valuable that it takes no ? eye to see that it is destined at no distant period, to be the ? of one of the greatest nations of the earth. And if we prove ourselves unworthy to be that nation we will have to give, ? to others. They will not conquer us by force of arms but by that intellectual superiority before which the ranks of ignorance will vanish as the snow in the summertime. We will gradually sink to insignificance, and will find our ? with the annals of society. Can it be that ten millions of people will lose their national existence? Can it-they that the people who have for so long prided themselves on giving to America her presidents, her statesmen, and her generals, shall not be dropped from the List of Illustrious nations, and consigned to oblivion. Will we permit it to be so? Will we ? ours to be the fate of Mexico or Spain; as even of Greece or Rome? Let us arise in our intellectual might and bust the bonds that father was doing and the edicts of Fashion; and do away with the common law of custom, and the world will crown us the victors; while our enemies will mourn a lost cause. This subject, especially concerns the people of Texas; for the lone Star State is fast schooling into line to begin this much in advance. The state so long noted for its Mustangs Commanches and Texas Rangers has at last caught the spirit of improvements, and is already on the march to the front. A few years will bring about a great change in Texas. Soon these extensive trains where strolling herdsman leads one anywhere life will be strongest with men of industry. The whistle and rattle of the case will be heard when now awful Gilmer reigns ? and then most fortunate will be the person who has educated himself even at a sacrifice of wealth: for then men of mortification?? capable of attending to business of any in that educated men will be in demand. Not then are now will business be entrusted to men of poor statement? We need not expect that the name Texan will be to us a passport which will open the gate of audible favor an ? to us a passage by the countries of the business world and to the very store rooms of wealth; but this passport approved by education will ensure us the confidence of the problem and then smooth will be the road to success. Texas will expect her future leaders from among those who now qualify themselves. The first places in the commercial line will be theirs; as well as all places of honor and trust in the government. Then in view of these facts let the golden opportunity afforded them be embraced with eagerness at any and every? sacrifice. For I can say with all brevity yet equal entreaty that the youth of this country never before that request advantage for the becoming of practical scholars. No one need say he is not able to educate himself, only let a truth of what as spent at grogshops gaming houses and many ways in which many is worse than anybody expected. The appropriated to the acquiring some useful knowledge and no one will have any laws of being dissatisfied with the results. Then let us

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