dc.description.transcription | Thorp’s Spring, Texas, July 27, 188__
My Dear Addison
I believe yesterday was my time to write but I failed to do so, the children have been faithful in writing this week, we have mailed a letter every day untill [sic] yesterday. We had two letters from you yesterday. The little children were very proud of this even baby would say “thats babys letter” I am going to try to be ready to go with you. I have a good deal of sewing to do, it will keep me busy. I ought to have been through with my Summer sewing long ago but I have not felt much like sewing I am well this week. I am fearful this trip will to be expensive if you think so just tell me. I will not be disappointed. The children are impatient for the time to come, but if I do not go two of them can go with you. I don’t know how we will get to Weatherford if you do not come. I suppose cousin David would take us, if we wish, say what you would rather we would do. I have not seen mother don’t know whether she will want to go on as we do or not. I expect not she wont like to leave the work for Minnie.
I had a long sorrowful letter from Jesse yesterday., Papa there is a wrong impression out. I have known all the time that it was not because he wanted higher wagers, he knows that Randolph has wanted him out of school for some time. I have seen this for some time but did not know that he suspected it. This is just the way he worked Ida out, listen to everything he hears around and then come to you with it I don’t think you will find any one that will work any more faithfully or patiently than he had done but I would a thousand times rather he were a way now, I don’t think he would eve be happy he said they would be back soon to dispose of their things I don’t know whether I ought to leave home or not I would not like for them to leave and me not see them, he said they would sell everything except feather beds.
Dr. Lancaster was bitten several days ago, by a spider he has been very sick don’t think he can live.
Baby is crying I must stop good bye,
Your loving wife,
Sallie. | |