dc.description.transcription | Tuesday-
Dec 10.
My Dear Addison
We had quite a cool rainy spell Saturday night and Sunday and was quite Monday, yesterday it wasn’t freezing but there was a big frost yesterday morning yesterday was a nice still day just cool enough to have a little fire all day. There is a strong south today, think it will blow up more rain. Mary came back Saturday, she stopped at the College, it was so muddy she did not get down here until yesterday evening. She went home last night. She said her papa had sold the place at Thorp Springs to Mrs. Jarvis for fifteen hundred. He will ship his cattle this month. Charley will go with them.
That young man that was sent to the hospital died Saturday. Mr. Deaper who was here at school a year or two ago died Fryday [sic] at his home. Clovis More was better yesterday. I have not heard today, she had letters from the Austin people this morning. They were all well. Havent heard from sister since you left Miss Jessie Winons was here yesterday to see you. I don’t know how they are getting along at the Central, havent seen Bro. Hildebrand, to learn. I got along very well with the milking don’t worry dear about the cows. I don’t mind milking and you know I don’t get cold easy, easy. The white cow is giving about as much as she did before she left. I will get along with them. I send Addies letter. I would send the money I have but I might need some before you can send it, I have had to use most of the butter money, there has been so many calls for it. The Machine, Piano, part of Roys suit, and various other things. I want to save up a few dollars, so if Zem needs any clothes, I can get them. And Roy needs some shoes, and a few other things.
It was bad about Miss Dabney getting burned. We are anxious to know how you are going to like that country! Wont it be rather inconvenient to room at one place and eat at another I hope you will be comfortable situated.
This is the third letter we have sent this week and we must get one off to Carlie tomorrow. I fear we wont do this well every week. Good bye my dear precious,
Some one is knocking
I must stop.
Sallie | |