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dc.creatorCarlisle, Janet
dc.descriptionLetter to Mr. Carter about Ivan Carlisle.
dc.format.medium7x10.5 paper
dc.relationAmon G. Carter Papers (MS 014)
dc.rightsPrior written permission from TCU Special Collections required to use any document or photograph
dc.sourceBox 143, POW - C-miscellaneous 1945 Folder, Item 005
dc.subjectCarter, Amon G., Jr.
dc.subjectPrisoners of war
dc.subjectWorld War II
dc.titleLetter re: prisoners of war
dc.description.transcriptionMay 21, 1945 517 Vance Street Taylor, Texas Dear Amon, Just heard you flew in home last night.That's wonderful! I am so glad for you and your father. There was a list published in the Fort Worth Star Telegram on or near April 30 of the Texans that were with you. I'd like to have it for the scrap book I'm keeping for Ivan. Amon can you tell me where you last saw Ivan and how he was at that time? I'm owrried, but feel I will hear something soon. So many are hearing here each day now. Will appreicate anything you can tell me, Amon. I know you could write more, but if you have any really good news call me here at Morthers' 1025 W Collect, for I am really anxious to hear and want to know everything you can tell me , for I've had no news since Dec. 31st. Lt. James Bond I've talked to him several times, and he tells me not to worrry Ivnan was where he left you all at the end of the 1st 9 days of the March, and I will hear soon. This just waiting is hard, but it can't be any worse that what you've been through. So, Amon let me hear it all- you know I'm interested, for wasn't my husband withou? I'm so anxious to hear and know Ivan is alirhgt, Is you father back? He is one wonderful man and has been so kind to us wives waiting for our husbands- I can't begin to tell you how we appreciate you dad, he's a little bit of alirhgt. I do hope Amon you have some good news for me. Sincerely, Janet Carlisle.

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This item appears in the following Collection(s)
  • Amon G. Carter, Sr. Collection [19320]
    The Amon G. Carter Papers consist of correspondence, photographs, newspapers, scrapbooks, and artifacts. The papers document the history of Fort Worth and the Southwest, as well as Carter's personal and business interests.

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