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dc.creatorClark, Jessie May
dc.descriptionPersonal and school update
dc.format.medium6x9 paper
dc.relationClark Family Letters
dc.rightsPrior written permission from TCU Special Collections required to use any document or photograph
dc.sourceBox 2, Folder 1, Item 11
dc.subjectClark, Jessie May
dc.subjectClark, Addison, Jr. "Addie"
dc.subjectClark, Bessie
dc.titleLetter to Addison Clark Jr.
dc.description.transcriptionThorps Spring, Texas.Feb.11, 1894.Dear Brother:A cold rainy day is this –and I feel too stupid to anything but sleep. I received a letter from Uncle Tommy last week, -said he would find something for B –and me to recite. Seemed very well pleased with our program, said we would have the best. I’ve been thinking of you more this past week than usual. SomehowI can’t get out of my mind what you asked me in your last letter. I thought when I wrote you last Sunday you had reference to her change of feeling towards you, but since I have thought perhaps you had reference to a change of manner. The more I think of it I am certain this is what you meant, for of course it is the only change that would be perceptible to me. I might never have noticed it or thought of it, and it is perhaps imagination now, if you had not mentioned it, but there does seem to be a change of some kind, -thought I can’t describe it, it puzzles me. Perhaps I ought not to say anything of what is no doubt only my imagination, but you asked me, and if ever I am convinced that there is a change I will not deceive you, but tell you just what I think. I love B dearly and will do anything for her I can. She is constantlywith Maude and Patty Miller and if they are the stronger in any way may have some influence over her. I hardly think they are strong enough to lead any one. Pearl Wylie stays with her now. I was with her a great deal at the first of the session, she was here real often, but now I rarely ever see her. Will see moreof her when we begin practicing our selections for the close. She is to recite “Lilly Servose’s Ride” at Miss Wade’s recital this week. I had my picture taken yesterday, but fear I had not a pleasant expression on my face. I will get the proof tomorrow and if it is good will get my picture about the last of this week. I think in about three or four years more papa will know Holloway. It takes a long while for him to find out anyone, but if he stays here long enough I feel sure he will know him as he is.I will be glad when I can go where I’ll never hear of him.-If ever we locate in different quarters I’m going to make up my mind to like everyone moderately well, not trusting any too far, and be prepared for anything so that I’ll never be disappointed in people. It is so unpleasant to live where there are people you can’t like –yet have to tolerate.Time is rapidly passing –seven weeks until free school closes, -then an easy, pleasant time I’ll have. Not but that I’ll find plenty to do, but wont have so much to worry me.I’ve planned to go to the State Convention next summer and to Myrtles –further than that I have notgone. She will be here commencement and we will go from here to the conventionand from there to Eastland. I expect to find E –a very dull place to spend vacation but don’t know how I can better it. I can’t think of a more extensive trip –however much I would like it.Bessie is taking lessons in Oil painting, -seems interested, and does very nice work, -has made two pretty pictures.I took them to Granbury yesterday to have them framed.Aunt Alice and Wallace are going down to see uncle Tommy this week, -Aunt Minnie willgo with her. I don’t know when they every expect to get the first no. of the new paper out. Holloway is boss andhe is slowness itself.Must go to sleep.Much love,YoursSister.

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