dc.description.transcription | Thorp Spring May 13, 1894Dear Brother:We went over to the river this afternoon, and am very tired, we walked very hurriedly over there and back. There were Messr’s.Clanton, Faris, Chandler, and C. Clark,Misses Anne, Bessie,& Jessie Clark, Lena W, and Blanche. We have had so much rain the river has been up very high, it has gone down very much now. Yesterday Blanche and I played croquet with Messrs Clanton and Campbell –supper bell rung before we finished. We are still having glorious times, and are dreading for the time to come for B–to leave. We all love her –she is so good and sweet. Mama thinks as much of her as of any of us children. And I think she thinks much of us –she is getting like us -improving very much. Wish she could be with us during commencement, for we are anticipating a pleasant time. Myrtle will be with us in a fewweeks. I thought your school closedmuch later than ours -your will have an exceedingly longvacation.We are sorry –very sorry –Miss Crabbcan’t be with us next session. We were expecting so much from her –and her name has gone into the catalogue. Don’t know what we will do now. Brother you must continue to write papa about leaving here –encourage it all you can, for we are very anxious to get away –mama is set on it;and will never be satisfied until we leave I don’t want her to have to stay here much longer. Where under the canopy we can go is more than I’m able to imagine. But we must do what is best for mama and the children.I can’t stay here and be such a Christian as I should be –want to be –and the sooner I leave the better for me.I can’t think of leaving mama & the children here. Please excuse this. I’m blue tonight.If possible I’ll write again this week. Keep well. Much love –yours –Sister. | |