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dc.creatorAnderson, Mae
dc.descriptionletter from an old friend remembering memories of Addison, Jr.
dc.format.medium4.5x6.5 paper
dc.relationClark Family Letters
dc.rightsPrior written permission from TCU Special Collections required to use any document or photograph
dc.sourceBox 2, Folder 11, Item 12
dc.subjectClark, Addison, Sr.
dc.titleLetter to Addison Clark
dc.description.transcriptionBay View, Mich, July 31st, 1903Dear Mr. Clark:I wish I could tell you how much I appreciate your very kind letters. It seems so good toreceive a letter postmarkedTexas again. It has seemed ever since Addison’s death, that If I should send a letter to him, I would surely get an answer. I have received so many during the past six years. I am so glad to know that he suffered but little,but how muchI wish I could have seen him and been with him before he died. We so little dreamed that it would all end in this way. He used to tell me that some day he intended to write the story of “he and I” and I told him that the most interesting part tome, would be the last chapter and that I should be tempted to read that first, for it would surely tell of our meeting.But it was sodreadful -so different from what we had planned. It is very kind indeed of you, to offer me remembrance. There was one little poem of his that I liked especially well,entitled “The Bird in the Cage.” He sent me one copy but it was burnedat thetime of our fire.But anyof his work that you send me I shall prize very highly and bevery grateful to you for it. As to my letters–at first, I thought I would like to have them, but have finally decided that you may destroy them. Did not want to see them. It would bring everything back to me –everything but Addison. I have not looked at his letters that I used to read so often or had any desire to singsince I heard of his death but am hoping that I shall be braver after a time. One song entitled “Forgotten” that he gave me, I don’t think I shall ever be able to sing again. He encouraged me so much with my musicand our tastes in that respect were so much alike. I sincerely hope that I may meet you all, and wish it the more since receiving these letters. It is possible that I may, but I am afraid not very probable. Although the world does not seem as large to me as it used to, yet, Texas seems quite a long way offeven yet. Addison had told me that you were at Madison,Wis. with a cousin of his I believe –the musical cousin. I hope we may meet sometime but Cincinnati too seems quite distant. My present surroundings are very pleasant. Bay View is Michigan’s leading summer resort. Last night and this afternoon we have enjoyed hearing the “Song Boys” a Chicago giveconcert. It was very good indeed. I venture tosay that our temperature is somewhat differentfromwhat it is in your localityjust at present. It is delightfully cool here.Thanking you again for your kind letter Iremain,Very sincerely yours,Mae Anderson

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