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dc.creatorAndrews, Adolphus, 1879-1948
dc.descriptionLetter from Adolphus Andrews, Commander of the Eastern Sea Frontier, to Amon Carter regarding Amon, Jr.'s liberation as a prisoner of war.
dc.format.medium7.25x10.5 Paper
dc.relationAmon G. Carter Papers (MS 014)
dc.rightsPrior written permission from TCU Special Collections required to use any document or photograph
dc.sourceBox 147, POW - Release 3 of 6, Item 092
dc.subjectPrisoners of war
dc.subjectWorld War II
dc.subjectCarter, Amon G., Jr.
dc.titleLetter re: Amon Carter, Jr.
dc.description.transcriptionD.I.O Navy 59 c/o (?) Post Office San Francisco Cal. My dear Amon, I happen to be here in Honolulu so it was only yesterday that I recevied a very nice and amusing letter from "The Hired Hand", dated Aprill 11th, thating that you had very kindly sent us at Navy Department Washington some of your papershell pecans. The letter has been over a month in reaching me and I suppose the pecans are waiting at the Navy Department (although they know my address). As(?) probably some officer friends of mine there have devoured the nuts feeling they were lending to the war effort in doing so. However it may be and wheter or not I have a chance to enjoy your gift I wish to thank you most sincerely for your kind thought of me. I was so delighted to hear that your son was released from prison camp. I hope without any serious injury, although after reading of the atrocities inflicted by those German barbarians it seems almost a miracle that any of our fine boys escaped. My son (?) Jr. went through the Iwo Jima campaign as a first Lieutinant of Marines without accident although he was in the very thick of it throughout and received the commendation of his commanding officers for his flawless action. Naturally we are very proud of him. Mrs Andrews and I arrived here about two weeks ago to be present at the arrival of our second grandchild. He was launched yesterday, a fine (??) boy who now bears his name of Benjamin Franklin Dillingham III. His father is now walking on air and his grandther Walter Dillingham has taken a new base on (?) to say nothing of his grandfather (?). After forty-eight years of service I have asked to be placed on inactive duty and retired - so I am waiting here for final decision by the Navy Department. I have told them that I am anxious and willing to take on any important job they wish to give me but I do not care to be employed otherwise. I would like so much to hear of your (?) to Europe. Of course best of all was meeting your fine boy and having him with you. I wish mine were here - Heaven let us all hope that this Jap war may end soon. I believe it will if there are any conservative Japs left. They must see the handwriting on the wall and be thinking of trying to find some means of saving at least part of their Empire - If they do not see this soon it will be too late to even partly recover from the devastating force which we are preparing to hand against them. Many, many thanks again for your kind thought of me and with (?) good wish for you Sincerely yours, (?) Andrews.

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This item appears in the following Collection(s)
  • Amon G. Carter, Sr. Collection [19320]
    The Amon G. Carter Papers consist of correspondence, photographs, newspapers, scrapbooks, and artifacts. The papers document the history of Fort Worth and the Southwest, as well as Carter's personal and business interests.

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