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dc.creatorRichart, Mrs. Stanton D.
dc.descriptionLetter from Mrs. S. D. Richart to Amon Carter regarding Amon Carter, Jr. as a prisoner of war.
dc.format.medium6.25x9.5 Paper
dc.relationAmon G. Carter Papers (MS 014)
dc.rightsPrior written permission from TCU Special Collections required to use any document or photograph
dc.sourceBox 147, POW - R-Miscellaneous, Item 034
dc.subjectPrisoners of war
dc.subjectWorld War II
dc.subjectCarter, Amon G., Jr.
dc.titleLetter re: Amon Carter, Jr.
dc.description.transcriptionSan Antonio, Texas March 20, 1945 Mr. Amon G. Carter, Fort Worth, Texas. Dear Mr. Carter; I have received your letter and you may be assured that it contained news of my husband, which was gratefully received by me, since I have had no letter from him since the last of January which was written December 25th from Stalag VIIA. Naturally I had no idea as to his removal to some other camp. Last Sunday's S. A. Light carried an article on evacuated German War Prisoner Camps and mentoned Oflag 64's evacuation with a number of other camps. No doubt you have had the same information. Naturally we hope that Capt. Richart and also your son were among those reported as having been taken by the Russians, however so far we have seen no list of these officers. My husband is in the infantry. Thanks again, for your kind letter and also for your personal interest. Your letter brought the first news of him I had had for some time. Any further news will be likewise appreciated, and if I should have any further news - I will be only too glad to pass some along to you. Sincerely, Mrs. S. D. Richart.

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This item appears in the following Collection(s)
  • Amon G. Carter, Sr. Collection [19320]
    The Amon G. Carter Papers consist of correspondence, photographs, newspapers, scrapbooks, and artifacts. The papers document the history of Fort Worth and the Southwest, as well as Carter's personal and business interests.

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