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dc.creatorLove, Samuel B.
dc.descriptionFragment - end of a letter. Written after Cyrus's wounding in February 1862 and before Sam's letter about Cyrus's death (January 22, 1864).
dc.formatPDF, 600dpi
dc.relationLove Family Letters (MS 001)
dc.rightsPrior written permission from TCU Special Collections required to use any photograph.
dc.sourceBox 001, Unnumbered
dc.subjectCivil War
dc.titleSam to Unknown
dc.description.transcription(One side, single page.) P.S. I was very glad to hear that Grand Father was getting better I have some hope now that I will get to see him again though from the tone of your letters when I was at winter quarters I expec- ted the next letter to hear of his death. The boy that are not dead are all well. Jasper Bowden is dead he died with the measles Pete has got bac k to camps fat and hearty. Ben Kenady was getting well the last time I heard from him. I new all about Cy being wounded and Andrews death before I received your letter. Cy is in Whartons Regt. Pete send his respects to you. I have nothing more to write Sam—

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This item appears in the following Collection(s)
  • Love Family Letters [84]
    The Love brothers - Cyrus, Samuel, James and John - fought for the Confederacy during the Civil War. The collection contains letters written by the family during the war.

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