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dc.descriptionFragment - beginning of a letter. Possibly during recuperation from wound (1862)
dc.formatPDF, 600dpi
dc.relationLove Family Letters (MS 001)
dc.rightsPrior written permission from TCU Special Collections required to use any photograph.
dc.sourceBox 001, Unnumbered
dc.subjectCivil War
dc.titleUnsigned (Cyrus?) to parents
dc.description.transcription(Four pages, continuous front and back. One sheet. Bottom half and part of the top torn off.) Dear parents: This leaves me in tolerable goo health but yet undetermined whether to join this (Col. Whartons Reg [..] or to go and join Stones Regmt so that I might be with Saml. & John if they are alive of which I am [..] somewhat doubtful if they were in the fight when McCulloch and McIntosh were killed from all I can learn it was a severe fight and continue [..] [………………………………………………………] (Page 2) [………………………………………………………] […] enemy they are also well armed and we have a good many cannon of all sorts of sizes – I am of the opinion that Genl Buel and Genl Grant have joined their [fo]rces and now have on the Tenn River about twenty […] miles North of where I am 130,000 to 150,000 this time – Grants forces came […] River on One Hundred and Sixty transport boats of […..] kinds – Buels made a grand movement from Nashville […….] twenty days ago coming in this direction – they are [………………………………………………………] (Page 3) Tenn who act as spies and informers for the Yankee army and thereby been the cause of a good many of our sick soldiers to be taken as well as a good many of the more prominent citizens. They got information at one place between Nashville and Murfresborough and went fifteen miles off the road to make a prominent Secessionist a prisoner and with him they got five sick soldiers – I as I have before told you was at old Mr Pettys about five miles from a little R.R. town by the name of Tulahoma – Six hundred and eighty of the enemys cavalry came to that place and had been there nearly twenty four hours before I know anything [………………………………………………………] (Page 4) I understand that Vandorn and Price will possibly be here with their forces to take part in the fight if so I will try to see the boys – I also hear that Siegel with about forty thousand of the enemy are at New Madrid and with the positions of our forces and the side will be in the engagement – I have heard that we have strong batteries below the enemys transports if this is the case and they are supported by a strong force of cavalry and infantry there will be no chance for them to pass down the river to bring up more forces – I have also learned just a little [………………………………………………………]

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This item appears in the following Collection(s)
  • Love Family Letters [84]
    The Love brothers - Cyrus, Samuel, James and John - fought for the Confederacy during the Civil War. The collection contains letters written by the family during the war.

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