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dc.contributor.advisorSchein, Marie
dc.contributor.authorBaker, Malcolm
dc.description.abstractThe past four years have been the most intensive in terms of self-development and discovering who I am in the context of the global community that I live in. I have always sought ways to contextualize my academic and experiences in a personally nuanced manner. I have come to understand my affinity for the French modern language and affected cultures, as well as my innate competences for engaging with the people around me to create strong, valuable relationship. I intended to explore the intersection between my academic interests, and my devotion for developing bonds with introspection through the creative writing process. In the following pages, you will find a collection French creative writing. Through the use of a poetic prose style, I have rendered ten vignettes of relationships I have formed and fostered in Francophone contexts along with associated locations that have plunged me into further self-discovery. I have designed each chapter as a meditation for myself to revisit the nostalgia associated with two excursions where I have had the opportunity to humanize my academic capacities. The summer of 2015 introduced me to a study abroad program in Montpellier, France were I met my dear host parents, a lovely lady with whom I befriended, an amazing teacher, a caring boss, and diverse peers as well as developed a love for public transportation and seen the history of the country that stands today. The spring of 2017 allowed me to explore more of my own continent, as I spent my spring break in Montreal, Canada. Here, I greatly deepened my relationship with one of my best friends as we discovered the city, particularly their public transport and iconic mount. This collection illustrates not only the nexus between my academia and personal connections, but also the way that my mind works in cross-linking the many aspects of my life.
dc.titleReflexions Lucides sur les Bords Mediterranees et dans Les Neiges Montrealaises Language Studies (French)
local.collegeAddRan College of Liberal Arts
local.collegeJohn V. Roach Honors College
local.departmentModern Language Studies

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