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dc.contributor.advisorMurray, Joddy
dc.contributor.authorCaballero, Nathan
dc.description.abstractThe Spellcaster is a fantasy fiction novel. It is set in the modern era, in a world very similar to ours, except for the existence and awareness of magic and supernatural entities. The story follows three main characters, Oliver, Ngozi, and Darien. Oliver is a human spellcaster, and the overall central protagonist of the story. Throughout the novel he deals with the societal expectation placed on spellcasters, as neither wholly supernatural nor wholly human, and he must forge his way as an advisor for a local werewolf pack. Ngozi is a jengu, a water spirit, who is trying her best to make it through law school and dealing with a particularly difficult case at the law firm she works at as a paralegal. Darien is a werewolf. He comes from a prominent pack and is trying to find his own way away from his family name, but is having a difficult time trusting his new werewolf pack. The novel deals with the difficult journey of trying to become an adult, and the intricate societal prejudice that exists in the fictional world.
dc.titleThe Spellcaster
local.collegeAddRan College of Liberal Arts
local.collegeJohn V. Roach Honors College
local.publicnoteFull text permanently unavailable by request of author. Contact author for access.

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