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dc.creatorYang, Qing
dc.creatorYang, Na
dc.creatorBrowning, Tyson R.
dc.creatorJiang, Bin
dc.creatorYao, Tao
dc.description.abstractIn product development (PD) organizations, coordinating technical dependencies among teams with different expertise in overlapping processes is a fundamental challenge. This article takes a more sophisticated approach than prior methodologies to improve coordination via organizational clustering, by accounting for both team structural and attribute similarity from the perspective of social network analysis. We built models to quantify the impact of the overlapping processes on the interaction strength among PD teams, which we then used to construct structural similarity by combining tie strength and social cohesion among teams via the design structure matrix. To evaluate the organization network, we propose social embeddedness-related centrality indices within (intracluster) and across (intercluster) team groupings. To facilitate knowledge sharing, we base team attribute similarity on product- and process-related expertise among teams. We integrate the modularity index and an improved silhouette index to find an optimal number of clusters, which we then incorporate with team similarity measures as inputs to a spectral clustering algorithm. An industrial example illustrates the proposed model. The clustering results reinforce several managerial practices but also yield new insights, such as how to measure similarity among teams based on organizational network characteristics and how structural and attribute similarities impact the optimal organizational structure.
dc.sourceIEEE Transactions on Engineering Management
dc.subjectClustering algorithm
dc.subjectdesign structure matrix
dc.subjectorganization design
dc.subjectproduct development
dc.subjectproject management
dc.subjectsocial network analysis
dc.titleClustering Product Development Project Organization From the Perspective of Social Network Analysis
dc.rights.licenseCC BY 4.0
local.collegeNeeley School of Business
local.departmentSupply and Value Chain Management
local.personsBrowning (INSC)

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