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dc.creatorChipps, Austin S.
dc.creatorHale, Amanda M.
dc.creatorWeaver, Sara P.
dc.creatorWilliams, Dean A.
dc.description.abstractThere are increasing concerns regarding bat mortality at wind energy facilities, especially as installed capacity continues to grow. In North America, wind energy development has recently expanded into the Lower Rio Grande Valley in south Texas where bat species had not previously been exposed to wind turbines. Our study sought to characterize genetic diversity, population structure, and effective population size in Dasypterus ega and D. intermedius, two tree-roosting yellow bats native to this region and for which little is known about their population biology and seasonal movements. There was no evidence of population substructure in either species. Genetic diversity at mitochondrial and microsatellite loci was lower in these yellow bat taxa than in previously studied migratory tree bat species in North America, which may be due to the non-migratory nature of these species at our study site, the fact that our study site is located at a geographic range end for both taxa, and possibly weak ascertainment bias at microsatellite loci. Historical effective population size (NEF) was large for both species, while current estimates of Ne had upper 95% confidence limits that encompassed infinity. We found evidence of strong mitochondrial differentiation between the two putative subspecies of D. intermedius (D. i. floridanus and D. i. intermedius) which are sympatric in this region of Texas, yet little differentiation using microsatellite loci. We suggest this pattern is due to secondary contact and hybridization and possibly incomplete lineage sorting at microsatellite loci. We also found evidence of some hybridization between D. ega and D. intermedius in this region of Texas. We recommend that our data serve as a starting point for the long-term genetic monitoring of these species in order to better understand the impacts of wind-related mortality on these populations over time.
dc.subjectDasypterus ega
dc.subjectDasypterus intermedius
dc.subjectMitochondrial DNA
dc.subjectPopulation genetics
dc.subjectTree bats
dc.subjectWind energy development
dc.subjectWind power
dc.titleGenetic diversity, population structure, and effective population size in two yellow bat species in south Texas
dc.rights.holder2020 Chipps et al
dc.rights.licenseCC BY 4.0
local.collegeCollege of Science and Engineering
local.personsChipps, Hale, Williams (BIOL)

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