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dc.contributor.advisorDrulia, Teresa
dc.contributor.authorKiemel, Zoe
dc.description.abstractThe purpose of this study was to determine oral efficiency in swallowing for older healthy persons compared with younger healthy. Oral efficiency was determined by examining bites per trial, mastication cycles per bite, and oral mastication duration in varying textures: cracker, raw carrot, steamed green bean (single bite; ½ cup serving), and chicken sandwich. Twenty-seven participants, comprised of older healthy individuals (n=14, age 51-69 yrs.) and younger healthy participants (n=13, age 21-39 yrs.) completed oral intake trials in randomized order. Surface electromyography (sEMG), with sensors placed on the masseter and suprahyoid musculature, provided muscle activation signals to determine the number of mastication cycles and oral mastication duration. Tongue strength of younger (61.51 kPa ±12.47) and older healthy participants (58.36 kPa ±10.07) was not significantly different in a maximum tongue press task, (p=.475). Independent samples t-tests revealed that older healthy participants (M=21.79, SD=8.27) had increased mastication cycles per bite consuming the sandwich compared with younger healthy (M=28.70, SD 8.54), p=.047; however, cracker (p=.071), carrot (p=.056), single bite green bean (p=.728) and half cup serving green bean (p=.728) trials were not different between older and younger participants. Bites per trial and oral mastication duration did not differ in older and younger healthy, p>.05 across textures. In this pilot study, increased mastication cycles in the sandwich condition may suggest that persons develop reduced oral efficiency with aging when eating and need to exert more effort using increased mastication cycles per bite to intake at the same rate as younger healthy.
dc.subjectoral efficiency
dc.subjectoral phase
dc.titleOral Efficiency During Swallowing In Aging Sciences and Disorders
local.collegeHarris College of Nursing and Health Sciences
local.collegeJohn V. Roach Honors College
local.departmentCommunication Sciences and Disorders

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