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dc.creatorMartits-Chalangari, Katalin
dc.creatorSpak, Cedric W.
dc.creatorAskar, Medhat
dc.creatorKillian, Aaron
dc.creatorFisher, Tammy L.
dc.creatorAtillasoy, Ercem
dc.creatorMarshall, William L.
dc.creatorMcNeel, David
dc.creatorMiller, Michael D.
dc.creatorMathai, Susan K.
dc.creatorGottlieb, Robert L.
dc.description.abstractAn unvaccinated adult male heart transplant recipient patient with recalcitrant COVID-19 due to SARS-CoV-2 delta variant with rising nasopharyngeal quantitative viral load was successfully treated with ALVR109, an off-the-shelf SARS-CoV-2-specific T cell therapy. Background immunosuppression included 0.1 mg/kg prednisone, tacrolimus, and mycophenolate mofetil 1 gm twice daily for historical antibody-mediated rejection. Prior therapies included remdesivir, corticosteroids, and tocilizumab, with requirement for high-flow nasal oxygen. Lack of clinical improvement and acutely rising nasopharyngeal viral RNA more than 3 weeks into illness prompted the request of ALVR109 through an emergency IND. The day following the first ALVR109 infusion, the patient's nasopharyngeal SARS-CoV-2 RNA declined from 7.43 to 5.02 log(10) RNA copies/ml. On post-infusion day 4, the patient transitioned to low-flow oxygen. Two subsequent infusions of ALVR109 were administered 10 and 26 days after the first; nasopharyngeal SARS-CoV-2 RNA became undetectable on Day 11, and he was discharged the following day on low-flow oxygen 5 weeks after the initial diagnosis of COVID-19. The clinical and virologic improvements observed in this patient following administration of ALVR109 suggest a potential benefit that warrants further exploration in clinical trials.
dc.sourceAmerican Journal of Transplantation
dc.subjectantibiotic: antiviral
dc.subjectclinical research/practice
dc.subjectheart transplantation/cardiology
dc.subjectinfection and infectious agents-viral: SARS-CoV-2/COVID-19
dc.subjectinfectious disease
dc.titleALVR109, an off-the-shelf partially HLA matched SARS-CoV-2-specific T cell therapy, to treat refractory severe COVID-19 pneumonia in a heart transplant patient: Case report
dc.rights.holderThe authors
local.collegeBurnett School of Medicine
local.departmentBurnett School of Medicine
local.personsGottleib (SOM)

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