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dc.contributor.advisorKnight, Danica
dc.contributor.authorTomes, Kiley
dc.description.abstractThe escalating rate of substance use disorders (SUDs) across the U.S. has significantly affected vulnerable populations; juvenile justice (JJ)-involved youth are particularly susceptible to substance abuse. These adolescents frequently experience mental health disorders, dysfunctional relationships, and complex trauma; thus, developing and implementing effective prevention interventions is imperative. To provide holistic care for these adolescents, relationships among key factors impacting JJ-involved youths' community re-entry plans - trauma, substance use, and behavioral challenges - must be better understood. The research was conducted with the Leveraging Safe Adults Project's data; the youth's TCU Drug Screen 5 (TCU DS-5), Adverse Childhood Experience (ACE) assessment, and Strengths & Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ) constructs were analyzed. Findings indicated that youth with 1+ abuse ACE were likely to possess other categorial ACEs. Youth with 3+ household dysfunction ACEs were likely to experience 4+ ACEs and/or score above the Conduct Problems, Hyperactivity, and/or Total Difficulties SDQ scale's abnormal thresholds. Relationships between neglect and household dysfunction ACEs remained independent. The only variable producing a direct, significant relationship to severe SUDs was possessing 2+ abnormal SDQ scale scores. Understanding these relationships between a JJ-involved youth's TCU DS-5, ACE, and SDQ scores can provide the youth's caregivers, counselors, and probation offices with explanations for current behavior and inform future interactions. Further, individual re-entry plans to lower recidivism rates can be quickly curated through a trauma-informed lens.
dc.subjectAdverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs)
dc.subjectJuvenile Justice
dc.subjectSubstance Use Disorder (SUD)
dc.subjectStrengths & Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ)
dc.subjectTCU Drug Screen 5 (TCU DS-5)
dc.subjectYouth Trauma
dc.titleA Holistic Approach to Juvenile Justice Re-Entry Practices: Adverse Childhood Experiences as Behavioral Predictors
local.collegeCollege of Science and Engineering
local.collegeJohn V. Roach Honors College

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