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dc.descriptionLetter from unknown, presumably Mr. Monnig, to Paul responding and discussing meteorite collection.
dc.relationOscar Monnig Papers (MS 124)
dc.rightsPrior written permission from TCU Special Collections required to use any document or photograph.
dc.sourceSeries III, Box 06, Deport Iron, 1933-1977 folder
dc.subjectDuncanville (Tex.)
dc.subjectWalters, Paul
dc.subjectNininger, Harvey Harlow
dc.titleLetter to Paul from unknown, November 22, 1978
dc.description.transcription[Duncanville TX file] 1978, Nov. 22 Dear Paul. Thanks for your Oct. 10th letter and the copy of the article on the Duncanville, meteorite. I'll keep it in that file. Truthfully, I have not read all the article because of the difficulty of reading it. My eyes are troubling me badly as I may have told you. Close work is becoming very difficult for me. It is also diffIcult for me to write as I never really learned the touch system entirely. And right now, in the bargain, my ribbon is acting up! I am not definitely turning down your request for a Holbrook piece but I must defer action. I am primarily concerned with giving T.C.U. certain meteorites in order to get tax deductions and the Holbrook's are scattered in several places so I don't know Just when I'll get to thrm [them]. All I can day is I'll keep you In mind. You need never be afraid to adk [ask] me anything! There is a complication about the Leedey specimen you jave [have] in that my original past with Nininger was that we would share equally all specimens we got from that fall. Ethically I suppose I should let him know about it butfor [but for] the present I have just been deferring that also. He id [is] well over 90 and still living at S dona, Arizona, , but did not feel up to coming to the meeting at Sudbury. I have thought about all my files on meteorites, and hope eventully [eventually] to give them to T. C. U mtoo, but they are not as well organized as you might think and I fear they would not preserve them or pay much attention to them. The truth is that I should do a great deal of work with them but my faioing [failing] eyesight eill [will] probably prevent that. I was gone for two weeks on a fall vacation to spot my wife likes. A fireball that qu8te [quite] probably y8ielded [yielded] meteorites was seen at Tempe and surrounding territory the Sunday night before I got there and Carleton Moore worked on it some but fears there is no chance for recovery of material that might have fallen near Ajo, Arizona, because the regiong [region] is practically desertedand [deserted and] uninhabited: I believe it is a firing range or something pre-empted by the army. Sincerely,

Files in this item

This item appears in the following Collection(s)
  • Records of the Monnig Meteorite Gallery [2825]
    The files are arranged alphabetically, usually according to the location of discovery of the meteorite. The files contain correspondence and research material on the meteorites in the collection.

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